guillaume_le_galiard's profile

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Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 12:29 PM

DC'24 - Data Citizens Circles: Data Quality & Obs in the Real World

In today's data-driven world, ensuring the quality of your data is crucial. There are many Data Quality use cases, including effective AI and model governance. 

This circle will allow Collibra customers to share a set of topics with one another in a facilitated format. The groups will be asked to share their findings back to the larger group.

This session requires pre-registration. To save your seat, log in and hit the 'save seat' button.

Key takeaways:

  • Connecting with the Collibra customer community
  • Sharing best practices, risks and concerns, to improve your data quality journey

What is a Data Citizens Circle? These interactive sessions allow you to learn from subject matter experts while connecting with other data professionals; enabling attendees to share peer-to-peer insights, challenges and best practices.

Register here

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