Assignment best practices



Collibra Data Intelligence Platform comes with a very wide range of out-of-the-box assignable features, which allow tremendous flexibility and power in your model. Judicious assignment of these features will improve the end-user experience and enhance adoption.


  • Eliminate noise from the model, yielding improved usability and user experience, to support adoption.

  • Improve performance and refresh times for page views.

Best practice recommendations

  • Evaluate and limit the characteristics you use in your model to reduce confusion and improve your users' experience. Use only the characteristics that are relevant to meet your needs, as communities and domains will inherit them and it may be useful to further limit the visible characteristics at lower levels.

  • Eliminate semantically similar characteristics to avoid confusion. For example, Definition and Description are characteristics that are seldom needed together, so by assigning one and hiding the other, you will give your model greater clarity.

  • Use a minimum of 1 to make the characteristic available for assignment and 0 to hide it. Avoid using minimums greater than 1 if you do not want to see the same characteristic appearing multiple times.

  • Collect and analyze existing content to assign only characteristics that are currently in use and can be populated. Avoid assigning characteristics for future use until they are actually needed and ready to be populated.

  • When assigning domain types to asset types, be sure to use only one domain type, namely the domain which the asset is a member of. There is no technical impediment for assigning different domain types, but this should be avoided.

  • Think through the life cycle of an asset and limit the assigned statuses to only those that are relevant to the asset's life cycle. Order the statuses in the sequence of the life cycle stages, for example: new, in progress, reviewed and approved.

  • Make assignments to the source and target asset when assigning relation types to assets. For example: “column is part of table” and “table contains column.”

Topic area

Operating Model → Execution and Monitoring Concepts → Assignments

Validation criteria

Run the Operating Model Reverse Engineering, or OMRE, on a regular basis to identify the elements in this article.

Additional Information

For more information, go to Assignments in Collibra's Documentation Center.