2024.05 Release: Collibra’s latest user interface (UI) rollout best practices and checklists


As part of Collibra’s May 2024 release (2024.05), we are very excited to roll out a new user interface (UI) designed to drive data governance adoption. This new UI will make it easy to find, govern, and access data in Collibra with a modern, fresh, and more approachable look and feel for all users. This includes the use of contrast, color selection, and visual separation to improve usability, as well as more customization options to personalize the Collibra environment.

Before you enable the new UI, take a moment to learn what will be different and things worth checking before you make the switch. With that in mind, we are excited to share a checklist with corresponding best practices below.

Tips and tricks

Below are the major differences within the latest UI that we wanted to highlight:

  • The application menu and organization browser have been moved from the top right to the top left of the navigation bar

  • On asset, community, and domain pages, the tabs have been moved from the tab pane on the left side to a tab bar across the top

  • All workflows have been moved under the ‘Actions’ button on the asset page

  • There is no longer an ‘Add Characteristics’ button. Characteristics now have in-line editing on the asset page. (https://productresources.collibra.com/ideation-platform/?id=DCC-I-3052)

    • You may need to toggle "Show optional empty values"

    • Note that Required fields will always display on the Asset Page

  • Asset page layouts are shared among editors, be careful of editing at the same time as others

  • If you have Data Marketplace enabled, you may toggle between the classic search experience and Data Marketplace search on the search page (Data Marketplace in search).

    • Data Marketplace search is enabled by default for users that have a global role with the Data Marketplace or Catalog global permission

    • Data Marketplace search is constrained by the Data Marketplace scope. We recommend that you review the configured scope, quick filters, and facets (Configure Data Marketplace).

    • If you have enabled Data Marketplace but do not want users to have access to Data Marketplace scope, you must modify their global roles so that they no longer have a Data Marketplace or Catalog permission, and ensure they do not have the Sysadmin role. Disabling standalone Data Marketplace will not disable Data Marketplace in search (Data Marketplace permissions).

  • In the Catalog application, you can now register data sources and configure integrations with the ‘Integrations’ tab. You can also continue to use the Global Create button to register data sources

  • In the Global Roles settings, hover over a global role and select the ‘Preview’ button to see users and groups assigned to that role As of the 2024.07 release, this is no longer the case. There is just a members column, no need to click preview.

  • Enabling or disabling the latest UI does not impact your DIP instance data. You may freely enable and disable the latest UI without losing any configuration or data.

Immediate actions

Here are 3 key actions you should take before June 2 (pre-production environments) or as soon as possible on / after June 2 (production environments) to help ensure a smooth roll-out:

  • Workflow permissions: To help you fine-tune workflow management in Collibra, you will need to assign permissions to the global roles that you want to be able to start workflows and participate in workflows. Tutorial for updating Workflow Permissions

  • Edge lineage: If you are using Custom Technical Lineage and/or the Shared Storage Connection type for Lineage, once you upgrade Edge to 2024.05 (or a later version), you will need to upload custom lineage and shared storage lineage files using the edgecli tool instead of SFTP/SCP. Create a technical lineage via Edge

  • Privacy operating model: 9 Data Privacy asset types and their dependencies are now included in the packaged operating model. Any characteristics removed from these asset types are restored, ensuring their availability for future enhancements. Privacy integration with operating model 

If you need help or more details with these actions, contact the Customer Success team.

Planning Checklist

1. Develop a testing plan for the latest UI

We recommend that you identify and address any prior customizations. Some customizations may be migrated, but some will not be supported in the latest UI. We recommend you verify that any custom dashboards are displaying as expected, and any custom workflows are functioning as expected. The scope of your testing plan will be features that customized the classic UI. The testing plan will not necessarily include new features of the latest UI, e.g. asset page layouts.

Here are some functional testing recommendations:

  • Test and confirm that these render correctly:

    • Any custom or critical dashboards. Adjustments when using custom HTML or styling may be required.)

    • All workflow forms.

    • Layout of highly visited asset types. Use the Tailored Asset Page when changes are needed.

    • Any critical asset views (with and without hierarchies).

  • Perform various searches for assets. We've unified our search experiences, so ensure the flow where Data Marketplace search is enabled is acceptable. Users can flip that switch off if they'd like and the setting is saved within their browser.

  • Review any potentially impacted customizations, including but not limited to

    • CSS styling

    • OOTB Catalogue page layout (any custom layout for 5 catalogue asset types (data set, table, column, schema and database) will be overwritten with layout for these asset types provided OOTB)

    • Page and module definition overrides

    • Custom translation/language files for the user interface

    • Custom dashboards

    • Custom dashboard widgets

    • Custom workflows

    • Note: Any customizations made to alter the look and feel (logo, branding, etc.) will not be migrated over. Ability to change colors and apply a logo is now supported through the new customization option in the Settings page. Use this to reconfigure.

Include the most frequent users of the Collibra Platform in the testing phase, ideally after any customization changes have been made, but before migrating to your production environments. These users can help identify Education & Communication Plan needs

2. Create an education and communications plan

It’s important to ensure that your organization will be informed and enabled on the Latest UI to facilitate the success of its rollout. Below are some recommendations we have to help you be successful.

  • Update, or create if they do not exist, any videos, guides, job aides, or documentation to reflect the latest UI

    • Present the functionality as side-by-side or before-and-after

    • Highlight new features and functionality

  • Identify and communicate milestones and dates for executing the testing plan and enabling the latest UI in prod and non-prod environments

  • Consider:

    • Developing pared-down release notes of the changes most relevant to your end users

    • Hosting targeted, role, persona, or process based training sessions with the latest UI

    • Hosting open office hours for users

  • Identify and communicate improvements and new features only available in the new UI to your ends users

  • Solicit feedback after latest UI rollout

3. Prepare a migration plan for moving production to the latest UI

Before migrating to the Production environment, we recommend taking advantage of the following new features which will further enhance the look and feel of your Collibra instance.

  • Brand your Collibra instance

  • Review and simplify asset assignments where possible

  • Design asset page layouts for popular asset types

Rollout readiness checklist

Before you roll out the latest UI, we recommend the following steps to ensure success. We also have included best practices with more details for this to follow.

  • Enable latest UI in your non-prod environments

  • Execute testing plan on non-prod environments

  • Remediate any issues identified during the testing plan

  • Develop any new features in the latest UI, e.g. asset page layouts, in non-prod environments

  • Develop and execute communication & education plan

  • Migrate changes to prod environment

  • Enable latest UI in prod environment

Latest UI impacted features checklist

Customizations to your Collibra instance may be impacted once you switch to the latest UI. Below we have highlighted some of the customizations you may need to address. We also have included best practices to verify, and remediate if necessary.

  • CSS styling

  • Custom translation/language files for the user interface

  • Page and module definition overrides

  • Custom dashboards

  • Custom dashboard widgets

  • Custom workflows

  • Request Access Workflow verification (Purpose asset check)

  • Global permissions for workflow participation

Note: We will continue to update this section if needed. Check out the Best Practices section for more details on each of these customization options.

Best Practices for customizations in the latest UI

  • Use the built in custom theme feature to brand your Collibra instance with your organization’s styles while maintaining compatibility with the Collibra platform

  • Create a style guide document to track changes and use a reference document

    • Customizations applied in the settings currently cannot be migrated between environments (https://productresources.collibra.com/ideation-platform/?id=DCC-I-5673)

  • Review the following sections to determine which customizations can be migrated to the latest UI.

Custom login, loading, logo, and favicon images

How do I identify if I have custom login, loading, logo, and favicon image?





How do I remediate or migrate custom login, loading, logo, and favicon image?

  • Login - customizing the login image is no longer supported

  • Loading - as of 2024.05, the logo is no longer shown during loading, therefore customizing the loading image is no longer supported

  • Logo - can be modified in the platform customization settings (Customizations > Custom Theme > Logo)

  • Favicon - customizing the favicon is no longer supported (https://productresources.collibra.com/ideation-platform/?id=DIP-I-21)

Page definition and/or module properties overrides

How do I identify if I have page definition and/or module property overrides?

  • There are hidden or removed tabs, buttons, or UI features that are normally enabled by default.

  • Take a configuration backup, in dgc.config.json, check for values in sections 11.f and 11.g

  • We recommend submitting a support ticket that includes this backup. You would request to confirm any affected overrides

How do I remediate or migrate page definition and/or module property overrides?

  • Generally all page definition and module property overrides are no longer supported. There are some functions that are available through supported product functionality.

  • The data basket can be shown or hidden by Enable and configure the data basket.

  • The asset import button can be shown or hidden by giving users the Import global permission (Import assets).

Custom CSS styling

How do I identify if I have custom CSS styling?

How do I remediate or migrate custom CSS styling?

  • If the custom CSS modified the styling of the Data Intelligence Platform (DIP) UI, use the Custom Theme configuration in the settings

    • Custom CSS modifying UI elements not available in the customization settings are no longer supported.

  • If the custom CSS modified the styling of a text widget in a dashboard or elsewhere, the CSS must be converted to inline styling.

Given the following CSS and usage in a text widget:

Must be converted to inline style:

Custom translation/language files

How do I identify custom translation/language files?

You may have a previously edited language, shown in Step 4 in Edit or translate interface text, that is not the Collibra-provided English text. 

How do I remediate or migrate custom translation/language files?

Custom translation/language files editing the interface text, such as UI labels, is no longer supported. If the custom translation/language files were used for workflow forms or email templates, they may still be translated in the

custom strings section of the customization settings.

Best practices for designing asset page layouts

  • Consider removing characteristics from the assignment that are too generic, not relevant, or no longer in use. 

  • If you need assistance evaluating your asset type assignment, consider booking an Asset Model coaching session or discussing an engagement for Professional Services Health Check with your Customer Success Manager.

  • Build asset page layouts for the asset types that you use. If you need some time to roll this out, prioritize the most used or most complex asset types for maximal impact on end user experience.

    • By default, all assigned characteristics are included in the asset page layout 

    • Try to avoid overloading the end user with unnecessary details. It is OK to have a characteristic type in the assignment without having it in the asset page layout (any custom layout for 5 catalogue asset types (data set, table, column, schema and database) will be overwritten with layout for these asset types provided OOTB). Examples of situations where you could do that are:

      • You are not currently using the characteristic type but may in the future.

      • You want the asset type to have a characteristic visible via API but not visible on the asset page. Note that asset views can still display these characteristics.

    • Organize the characteristics on the asset page into sections based on use case, persona, or processes that are most relevant to your users. Try to be balanced in the amount of information you group in a section: sections should not contain too many characteristic types but you also don’t want lots of sections with one item in it. Also be careful about the amount of sections you have: having fewer than 5 sections will help bring structure, more than that would result in it being to much/complex for the user to keep a clear mental model of the structure.

    • True/false, selection, date, and number attributes will be in compact mode, allowing you to use the asset page space more efficiently. For text fields, you may choose if compact mode is appropriate based on factors like the expected length of the text (a URL can be shown in compact mode, a description may be too long), whether you expect users to upload images in a rich text field (then compact mode might not provide enough space), or other considerations.

    • Select key roles to highlight important stakeholders. You will select the roles in the right sidebar and then can view the roles on the ‘At a glance’ sidebar - users can see key roles without navigating to the Responsibilities tab.

Asset layout migration best practices

  • Create and test layouts in non-prod environments

  • Layouts can be moved between environments with the migration feature

    • The migration feature should only be used between environments on the same version

    • Custom themes applied in the settings currently cannot be migrated between environments (https://productresources.collibra.com/ideation-platform/?id=DCC-I-5673)

  • Layouts can be imported into an environment that does not yet have the new UI enabled

The id value in the name, e.g. Asset Page Layout for <id>, is the asset type assignment id.

Best practices for building dashboards in the latest UI

  • Prefer the out-of-the-box (OOTB) widgets where possible

  • If you need to customize dashboards, you may use text widgets or the embedded widget with an embedded iframe

  • If using the text widget, ensure you have the console setting ‘15.d Prevent advanced html features in text dashboard’ set to true ✔️ to reduce risk.

  • If using the text widget, do not use an iframe HTML tag, use the embedded widget

  • If using the embedded widget, prefer ‘Run in sandbox’ where possible

  • Use the dedicated dgc/custom-dashboards folder to upload custom dashboards via the backup and restore process. This new folder is behind authentication and its contents are not available to users that are not signed in. (ref 2024.02 release notes under Security heading)

Custom dashboard widgets

How do I identify custom dashboard widgets?

  • When you create or edit a dashboard, you can select a widget that is not listed in the OOTB dashboard widgets.

  • Create a backup of the Collibra Data Intelligence Platform and include customizations only

  • In the /dgc/modules directory, there are one or more sub directories

    • If you have a directory titled iframe, this is the webpage widget from the Collibra Marketplace, this has been replaced with the embedded webpage widget

  • If there is no /dgc directory, or no /modules directory, you do not have custom dashboard widgets.

How do I remediate or migrate custom dashboard widgets?

  • If you are using the webpage widget from the Collibra Marketplace, it has been replaced with the embedded webpage widget

  • All other custom widgets are no longer supported.

  • Custom widgets may be migrated to using the embedded webpage widget. If you have coaching credits available, you can book a latest UI or UI/UX dashboards coaching session to understand the available options.

Where to go for help


Additional guidance or assistance

If you need additional guidance, assistance or best practices, consider Collibra’s Coaching, Education and Professional Services (for use with credits or for purchase)

For technical assistance, visit the Collibra Support portal to review Knowledge Articles or to log a ticket.