230 Messages


18.2K Points

Monday, May 6th, 2024 4:21 PM

CDAOs: The new disruptors accelerating AI maturity and adoption

CDAOs: The new disruptors accelerating AI maturity and adoption

As a Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO) or Chief Data Officer (CDO), you stand at the forefront of transforming data into a strategic asset. 

However, with an average tenure of roughly two-and-a-half years, CDAOs and CDOs have the shortest tenures of any C-suite executives, according to a 2023 Deloitte study (1). 

For CDAOs to truly become disruptors, you need more time in the C-suite. So how do you achieve the strategic value you need to become a true organizational hero?

By accelerating AI adoption.

Today, a typical data use case can take 6 to 9 months to have an impact. With AI, however, new use cases can be rolled out fast — in weeks, instead of months — and accelerate value to your organization.

Fortunately, the path to not only surviving but thriving in your role isn’t technical and it doesn’t require large-dollar investments to achieve. 

To drive value and create lasting impact, the key is fostering cross-collaboration. 

Learn more on the importance of cross collaboration by clicking here.

162 Messages


11.5K Points

10 months ago

1. Can Collibra provide value to the Enterprise > Yes

2. Can Collibra provide value to the C-suite (directly) > Marginal (indirectly, Yes of course see point 1 above)

2a. But ... C-suite you really need Reporting Data Layer across Collibra; for aggregated reporting, heatmaps, RAG reports, drill-thrus & drill-downs
