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Defining responsible AI governance with UCLA Health

Most Americans have mixed feelings about artificial intelligence, and no industry proves this more than healthcare. While AI is increasingly common for analyzing medical imaging data and making proactive recommendations in preventative care, 60% of Americans say they would feel uncomfortable with their healthcare provider relying on artificial intelligence as part of their medical care.
More broadly, AI software is expensive to develop, especially as HIPAA requirements present added security considerations for protected health information. What’s more, AI tools are not guaranteed to improve the patient-provider experience and could potentially even worsen it. Healthcare executives are doubting whether their returns on AI investments will materialize, highlighting the importance of risk assessment and impact analysis.
UCLA Health is at the forefront of AI innovation in healthcare and has partnered with Collibra to bring clear, accessible AI governance to all levels of its organization. Two UCLA Health experts — Senior Product Manager Neda Xaymountry and Manager of Machine Learning Engineering and Data Governance Timothy Sanders — shared the stage at Data Citizens 2024 to talk about how their collaboration with Collibra benefits responsible AI development.
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