158 Messages
50 Points
Does anyone have experience demonstrating data retention capabilities? I have been having a lot DR conversations with clients lately and would like to learn the best way to show value.
158 Messages
50 Points
Does anyone have experience demonstrating data retention capabilities? I have been having a lot DR conversations with clients lately and would like to learn the best way to show value.
158 Messages
50 Points
3 years ago
Usually DR is more like a policy of HA (High Availability) - HA tends to be the goal with DR the plan. HA, then, is more likely is demonstrated in an event called “fail-over.” but the key thing is that policy would be organizational specific https://macquariecloudservices.com/blog/failover-vs-disaster-recovery/
If ours (SaaS) -
I would focus on our SLA which gives a TA (implies HA) https://www.collibra.com/us/en/service-level-agreement
If its vendor provisioned architecture -
DR is a function of how they decide to bring back their “working software”. Perhaps you could call out methods in Cloud of replicating data to give a high (RPO) and demonstrate a fail-over by effectively re-installing the software in another enviorment. (RTO) https://intervision.com/rpo-rto-pto-draas-disaster-recovery-explained/#:~:text=Recovery%20Point%20Objective%20(RPO)%20refers,be%20up%20and%20running%20again.