BigDataBear's profile

Monday, March 28th, 2022 6:13 PM

How can I determine which REST API invocation is being used by the DQ Web Application so I can recreate the functionality programmatically?

Q: How can I determine which REST API invocation is being used by the DQ Web Application so I can recreate the functionality programmatically?

Answer from Brian Mearns and Laurent:

I navigated to this page on my side, Home > Jobs > Dataset > Rules
And I used the Chrome browser’s View > Developer > Developer Tools to inspect what APIs are being used to build this page.

Using my own dataset: PUBLIC.EMPLOYEES.

I found this one which seems to be the important one for you (use your dataset name):



Which gives the results as a set of JSON documents, each document has this format:

{"dataset":"PUBLIC.EMPLOYEES","ruleNm":"DEPT_IS_VALID","ruleType":"SQLF","ruleValue":"select department from @PUBLIC.EMPLOYEES EXCEPT select department from @PUBLIC.REFERENCE_DEPT","points":1,"perc":1.0,"ruleRepo":"","isActive":1,"userNm":"ben","exception":"","columnName":"STATE","businessCategory":"Validity","businessDesc":"Valid Department name","dimId":null,"dimName":null,"ruleValueBuilder":"{\"condition\":\"AND\",\"rules\":[{\"id\":null,\"field\":null,\"type\":null,\"input\":null,\"operator\":null}],\"not\":false,\"valid\":false}","previewLimit":6,"runTimeLimit":30.0,"scoringScheme":0,"active":true}


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