Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 9:25 AM

Import API to update Full names of Assets: How to

Tried to update the full name of Assets using Import API as something like this:
id is the collibra identifier (id)

“id”: $collibra_id,
“name”: ",
“resourceType”: “Asset”,
“domain”: {
“id”: “”
“type”: {
“name”: “”

This just created new Assets, but needed t just update the existing assets with updated full names

How can this be done?

7 Messages


50 Points

1 year ago

Hi Aditi,
Try using the below JSON template to update the name of the existing assets using Collibra Import API. It is working for me.

“resourceType”: “Asset”,
“identifier”: {
“id”: “<Asset_Id>”
“type”: {
“name”: “<AssetType_Name>”
