25 Messages


5K Points

Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 5:56 AM

How do you manage Power BI Description and Owner in Source

Hello. We've just added our Power BI Catalog and is starting to curate the asset page summary. I have 2 questions:

1. How do you manage the Description in Collibra? We noticed that the Report and Semantic Model Description box in the PowerBI settings has character limit (~150 characters including spaces). We initially wanted to include more information in Collibra, more verbose description and usage guide. However, this gets updated every after sync and revert to the short Description from the source.

2. My second question is where does Collibra get the "Owner in Source" metadata in PowerBI? 


3 Messages


100 Points

3 months ago

One way we have improved the information surfaced on BI Reports is by creating a relation between KPIs/metrics and BI Reports. This provides additional context alongside the report description and works well with the browser extension, allowing the viewer to understand KPIs/metrics in the report without leaving the webpage. It is difficult to say what would work best for your specific use case without understanding more details around the information you want to showcase. In my opinion, you have two options:

  1. Introduce a new attribute designed to be a “Long Description.”
  2. Introduce new attributes and relations specific to UC.

I would opt for option 2 as this improves usability for the end user, allowing them to find the information easily. Likewise, the person responsible for populating the metadata has clear instructions on what information is required.

On your other point, as far as I am aware, the Owner in Source attribute is just a list of workspace Admins.
