3 Messages
960 Points
Opportunity to participate in Asset Page UX Research
Collibra’s Product Design and UX Research teams are looking for people to participate in an upcoming research study about asset page UX.
For this study, we are looking to connect with non-Admin users. If that’s not you, we’d be very grateful if you could help us connect with some of your colleagues.
Specifically, we are looking to speak to people who regularly:
Author asset pages (edit content in existing asset page fields only; no Admin responsibilities such as asset type page layout)
Search for and view asset pages (data consumer only; no asset admin or attribute editing as described above)
Here’s what participation would entail:
A 60-minute Zoom session the weeks of March 24-28 or April 7-11
During the session, we’ll discuss participants’ work, review current asset pages, and get feedback on updated asset page preliminary concepts
The session will be recorded for internal use only
Those interested can contact me at [email protected]. Thank you for your support as we work to improve asset pages!
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