25 Messages


5K Points

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 8:48 PM

Technical Lineage Tab in BI Reports in the new UI missing

We noticed the Technical Lineage tab in BI reports and Columns is no longer visible in the new UI. We can only see it in SQL tables and columns. Is there a way to bring it back for BI reports?

169 Messages


11.9K Points

10 months ago

We are running 2024.05.0 in Dev and it looks to be as it was. You might want to raise a support ticket?

We only have the following assets that are children of BI Report, so I can't comment on assets of the type SSRS Report

  • Tableau Worksheet > can see technical lineage, and could previously (no regression)
  • Tableau Workbook > can NOT see technical lineage, but couldn't previously either (no regression)
  • Tableau Dashboard > can NOT see technical lineage, but couldn't previously either (no regression)

Sorry, can't directly assist.

25 Messages


5K Points

@grantrollerson1​ We are using the 2024.05.0 in Dev too and same with SSRS, we can no longer see the Technical Lineage tab for Tableau Worksheet. We are using Edge to ingest lineage for Tableau while Lineage Harvester for SSRS.

I already raised a ticket. Will update this post once I get insights. Thanks!

169 Messages


11.9K Points

interesting @user_aa09d2 ... is that a regression? Have you tested switching SSRS ingestion to Edge?

25 Messages


5K Points

Update: We can see the tech Lineage in Tableau worksheet now but not for SSRS Reports. I got feedback from support and they say this is a known issue and fix will be available on version 2024.06

25 Messages


5K Points

@grantrollerson1​ We haven't made the switch for SSRS to Edge. If I'm not mistaken, SSRS via Edge integration is only available in 2024.05 version right? I'll explore this option. Thanks!
