Thursday, July 29th, 2021 2:58 PM

Catalog Page Overview

Hello Team,

Few questions on this Catalog Page

  1. What does publish mean here? When I click publish looks like it does OWL check and then in See draft as an option. Do we have any documentation around this?
  2. Apart from Admin who can Tag a business unit to a dataset? which Role is required. please note not all users will have admin access and they cannot reach to tenant manager or admins to tag datasets
  3. Which Role can rename the dataset. Can at least the owner/creator can edit this?
  4. Which Role can delete the asset apart from Admins. Can at least the owner/creator can delete this?
  5. What are Meta Tags ? How to add new tag from this page? which role apart from Admin can do this?

41 Messages

4 years ago

  1. All data tests start as a draft and can be promoted to published once you are comfortable with the results. It also helps cleanup DQ reports to remove drafts.
  2. @geoffreyGettings
  3. simply click edit and tag a dataset with more information such as “[accounting Data] [oracle] [ledger] [monthly]”

35 Messages

3. I tried with user ROLE_PUBLIC . Its shows that it’s saving but when I refresh the page it doesn’t work. Does it require some other role?

4 Messages

4 years ago

Edit Requires ROLE_ADMIN, this includes Meta-Tags (custom tags to help with searching the catalog)
Delete Requires ROLE ADMIN

Rename can be done by Public Role
Business Units and Data Concepts can be done by Public Role

This is current state, there are some changes coming for catalog in Q4 based on a new Data Steward Role.

158 Messages


50 Points

3 years ago

PUBLISH means you graduated from running tests to productionalizing your job. it can be a great filter for views like PULSE or within the catalog
