1 Message


205 Points

Thursday, October 17th, 2024 9:28 AM

Database views for BI reporting - Manual ingestion

Hello everyone,

I would need to catalog HANA database views information used for BI reporting, I'm talking about views/tables/columns and related features.

Since there's no connection/integration in place, I'm wondering which are the recommended asset types to be used for this scope.

Thanks, regards.


129 Messages


8.9K Points

22 days ago

Database views exist as an asset type in Collibra,

>> Resource Id 00000000-0000-0000-0001-000400000009 | Database View | A Database View is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.

Suggest build the asset model - Confluence Gliffy or wherever - and keep to the OOTB r/ships as much as possible + KISS. You may need the odd site-specific r/ship but you'll finish up with an Asset Model you can consistently refer to in your Collibra Op Model implementation.

Also, use Collibra asset models to give you a steer, eg https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/BITools/ref_bi-tool-operating-models.htm

