Hey @ravi_collibra, thank you for your reply! I played aroung with the diagram view and finally the radial diagram is the most suitable to visualise the dependencies.
Generally is expand all / collapse all functionality not available on a diagram view in collibra?
Hi Nuriia,
Unfortunately not, which is quite annoying!
To get around this, sometimes I will just duplicate a view and call it [View Name] - Expanded and I just turn all of the Boxing Node Options to Expanded as per what Ravi has suggested to you. A little bit cumbersome, but at least it makes it quicker to expand all
@dcurran1.kpmg.com.au thank you for your feedback! Please vote for the idea on “expand/collapse” on the ideation portal (dated August 2017), login needed!
70 Messages
11 months ago
Hi ,
You would have to change the settings of the diagram and make the “Boxing node options” as Expanded rather Collapsed.