Friday, February 11th, 2022 1:26 PM

Behavior of an S3 connection depending on the configuration

When a connection with S3 is created, there are some limitations that we have to take into account:

To have more clear how is the behavior of Collibra DQ with S3, check the following tests:

  1. Create a connection with the URL to the root of the bucket.

Doing that all the files of subfolders are shown (5 levels in this example). Everything works fine.

The second image shows a folder with white spaces.

  1. Create a connection using the URL of a folder with spaces.

In this case, nothing is shown inside the folder

  1. URL using the folder, like in the previous example, but without spaces.

In this case, nothing is shown inside the folder either.

Therefore, when you are connecting with S3 files, the root URL to the bucket has to be used. And later, navigate through the files selecting the desired file. Doing that, even folders with spaces are shown correctly.

158 Messages


50 Points

3 years ago

Great artucke Ana, something I noticed just troubleshooting S3 with another SE

It is very important to save the credentials for S3, we saw that…
Given the person had not saved the connection details
When that person tried to enter their username/password at the Wizard
Then the data would load in the wizard
AND Then they would not be able to complete a job
