Community_Alex's profile

664 Messages


10.6K Points

Thursday, May 11th, 2023 6:03 PM

Data Citizens on the Road :uk: LONDON (8 June, 2023): Will you be joining?

Calling all London Data Citizens: Collibra is coming your way to discuss all things data intelligence with Student Loans Company, Daiichi Europe, Elsevier, Vodafone, Frasers Group, London Stock Exchange Group and other industry leaders!

Register (for free!) [HERE] before space runs out.

ATTENDING? Connect with others that are joining us in London via this thread. Click on ‘Normal’ at the bottom of this thread and choose ‘Watching’ to be notified of new replies.

Let’s start with introducing ourselves, shall we? Reply to get to know you peers before the event:

  • Name
  • Title, Company
  • City
  • What data challenge are your currently focused on?

1 Message

1 year ago

Unfortunately not, but hopefully next time!

9 Messages

1 year ago

Unfortunately not, but maybe next time!

23 Messages


1.6K Points

1 year ago

Unfortunately not, but hopefully next time!

1 year ago

not this time, Hopefully next time

3 Messages

1 year ago

Not this time, but will look forward to future events closer to my locale.

1 year ago

Unfortunately not, but hopefully next time!

8 Messages

1 year ago

Unfortunately not, but maybe next time!

664 Messages


10.6K Points

1 year ago

For all of you that have said you couldn’t attend our London Data Citizens on the Road event, perhaps you could make PARIS :fr: later in the month? We had to reschedule our Paris event due to the transportation strike but we’re back on for June 27 -! @marshella.hopman @thomas.floure

1.2K Messages

1 year ago

Unfortunately not. May be sometime in Amsterdam

3 Messages

1 year ago

Unfortunately not, but maybe next time!

3 Messages


120 Points

1 year ago

I will be there!

Short intro:

  • Consultant at Datashift
  • Belgium
  • Looking forward to connecting with other Collibra enthousiasts :wink:

17 Messages

1 year ago

I.'m not able to attend this time, can’t wait for the 2024 edition; thanks!

11 Messages

1 year ago

Hopefully next time I will make it.

4 Messages

1 year ago

Not yet this time but would be interested in a virtual option!

12 Messages

1 year ago

not this time because of some other important stuff
