Friday, December 8th, 2023 11:49 AM

Improved UI design

The most evident change with the import UI v2 is the new design. The refreshed UI offers a more intuitive mapping experience.

  • When importing, the focus is shifted from Collibra characteristics to the fields in your file. Your fields are displayed on the left and and allow mapping to the corresponding characteristics in Collibra on the right. For an export import roundtrip your fields will be auto-mapped. You no longer need to select a specific view.

  • A separate section shows you all unmapped fields. It clearly indicates the fields which could not be mapped. Once a field is mapped it moves to the mapped section.

  • When a relation type in the file matches with multiple relation types in Collibra (only 2 elements of the relation type are used), it will not get auto-mapped to avoid any incorrect mapping. You can manually map such relations. The introduction of a third element with the May release (2023.05) will make relation mapping almost always unambiguous during export import roundtrips.importUI_improvements_mapping

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