101 Messages
REVIEWED-INTERNAL ONLY: Can Collibra DQ allow me to JOIN my CSV files?
Q: Can Collibra DQ allow me to JOIN my CSV files?
A: Kirk confirmed that we DO NOT allow for JOIN on files, and almost no one does.
Your options are: Amazon S3, or HDFS files. You can put Apache Hive, Presto or Athena over top the file and JOIN
via DB layer as those engines can do it. You can use Collibra DQ’s notebook API (meaning you can JOIN
them in Apache Spark yourself) then pass in the resulting Spark DataFrame
to Collibra DQ.
There is not a button to JOIN
files in Collibra DQ.
683 Messages
15.3K Points
3 years ago
From the Review Team: "4/11/22 - With the information provided, we do not have enough information to make this customer facing. We would advise this remain internal only. "