Monday, August 8th, 2022 5:15 PM

Alteryx to Collibra Integration

Working on setting up the new Alteryx integration (https://marketplace.collibra.com/listings/alteryx-to-collibra-integration/) but running into errors triggering the sync. The main issue seems to be, “Request method ‘GET’ not supported” when triggering from localhost:8080/api/sync. Is there any workaround for this issue?

690 Messages


17.6K Points

2 years ago

Moving this to the INTERNAL P2P Integrations forum. @spring-team.collibra.com, might you be able to help @ben.brendle.collibra.com and if so, would you mind posting the Q&A (problem/solution) proactively to the external forum so customers/partners could benefit from this intel as well?

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

You are receiving that warning because you are sending the request using the wrong HTTP Method, i.e. GET. To trigger the integration, you have to use the POST method.

To send such a request, you can either use tools like Postman/Curl, or you can send the request using the browser by visiting the swagger endpoint URL located under API_HOST:API_PORT/swagger-ui/


17 Messages

2 years ago

We have run into another issue when standing up the integration on a server vs. running through eclipse. The error is:

no main manifest attribute, in /opt/collibra/spring-boot/sbi-alteryx-feature-workflows-all-endpoint-test/collibra-integration-library-1.1.7.jar

When taking a look at the pom.xml of the jar file it appears to be correctly populated. Any thoughts on what might be causing the error.

368 Messages

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the update.

Since in the above error, the integration library is being mentioned, can you please confirm that they are trying to run the Alteryx JAR file please?

Also, would it be possible to provide the logs (as a private message, without any sensitive information) when trying to deploy the Alteryx integration?

Just to note that it might be ideal to also upgrade to the latest version of the Collibra Integration Library (v1.1.10 that addresses a recent vulnerability will be made available soon.) or try to install it again on the server in case it was not installed correctly.

Note: As mentioned in the documentation, it should be installed using the following Maven command:

 mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-jar-file>

To do so, please follow section “Updating the Library JAR File” of the library documentation.

Once the Collibra Integration Library has been re-installed on the server, using the above command, the following should be done from the Alteryx directory (i.e. whether the Alteryx integration pom.xml file is located):

  1. Run the command mvn clean package
  2. From the target folder, locate the newly packaged JAR file
  3. Copy it to the desired location
  4. Run the JAR file using java -jar <jar-file-name>.jar --jasypt.encryptor.password=<decryption_key> --spring.config.location=<properties-file>
    <jar-file-name> should be replaced with the name of the packaged Alteryx integration JAR file and its location.
    <decryption_key> should be replaced with the decryption key.
    <properties-file> should be replaced with the location of an external properties file, in case an external file is used.
  5. Monitor whether the integration is deployed successfully.
  6. In case of an error, please forward the logs as a private message.

More information is also available in the Alteryx documentation.

It would be helpful to confirm whether any modifications were made to the Alteryx integration code. Thanks

17 Messages

I provided the steps listed and it seems to have gotten the customer passed the initial issue. They are now running into a new error. The error is caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘collibraImportApiHelper’ defined in URL.

Unfortunately for this customer I am not able to shared detailed logs on this thread. Let me know if you have any initial thoughts on this message and steps to resolve.

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Can you please confirm whether the following Maven command was used to generate the package that is being tested on a server?

 mvn clean package

By doing so, it should create a JAR file inside the integration target directory. This can then be deployed/started as explained in the Alteryx to Collibra integration documentation. Thanks

(Also, just to let you know that soon a new version of the Collibra Integration Library – v1.1.10 – would be released to address a recent vulnerability in one of the dependencies used.)

17 Messages

@spring-team.collibra.com according to the customer that command to generate the package. Is there anything else that could be causing the error?

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the update.

Can you please confirm that in their Spring Boot integration they have the following annotation which includes com.collibra? Thanks

@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = { "com.collibra", ... })

17 Messages

2 years ago

Hopefully getting closer now. They were able to get the integration started, but are getting an error thrown by the api:

Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field “result” (class com.collibra.internal.api.model.output.Job), not marked as ignorable (17 known properties: “userId”, “createdOn”, “resourceType”, “endDate”, “name”, “system”, “startDate”, “state”, “visibility”, “cancelable”, “lastModifiedBy”, “type”, “id”, “lastModifiedOn”, “createdBy”, “progressPercentage”, “message”])
at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 1, column: 376] (through reference chain: com.collibra.internal.api.model.output.Job[“result”])

Could this be due to an api update on the Collibra side? Any ideas on how to resolve

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the update.

The above error was fixed in a previous version of the Collibra Integration Library. Therefore, can you please try using the latest version of the library – v1.1.10?

To do so please refer to section “Updating the Library JAR File” of the library documentation. Thanks

17 Messages

2 years ago

Getting even closer on their server install. The application is running and saying that it is accepting traffic. We are getting error “SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number” -curl POST command to start metadata sync. They do have a proxy configured. Is there anything else that we need to add to the post command or application properties file to ensure we trigger the Alteryx API call successfully?

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the update.

Just to confirm, is the proxy configured between the machine where the curl POST command is being executed and the Alteryx integration or between the Alteryx integration and Collibra/Alteryx?

In case it is the former one (i.e. between where the curl POST command is being executed and the Alteryx integration), can you please try using http:// instead of https://?

You may also try triggering the integration using Postman – https://www.postman.com/

Regarding the application properties, can you please advise whether SSL is enabled – server.ssl.enabled?

Also, when triggering the integration, the basic authentication details according to trigger.api.username and trigger.api.password defined in the properties file should be set. Thanks

17 Messages

2 years ago

The proxy is configured between the linux machine (curl POST command and the Alteryx integration are running) and Collibra/Alteryx. server.ssl.enabled=false. The basic auth credentials are set in the properties file.

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the update.

Since there is a proxy server between where the Alteryx integration is deployed and Collibra, the following proxy properties should be set in the integration application.properties file for the Integration Library to be able to establish the connection:

  • collibra.proxy.host
  • collibra.proxy.port
  • collibra.proxy.username
  • collibra.proxy.password

For more information on these properties and other properties that can be set, you can refer to the Collibra Integration Library documentation, “Full List” section.

After doing so, please restart the Alteryx integration and then try triggering it using Postman.

In case it fails, it might be ideal to check whether there are any logs after the Alteryx integration is started.


17 Messages

2 years ago

We made it through the proxy issue! Thanks for the help. Now seeing error on the Collibra side:

File (undefined) not found.trueundefined
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Value not allowed File (undefined) not found. true undefined ... ...

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the update.

The current information is very limited to determine what the issue might be. Therefore, can you please provide the following:

  • The Alteryx integration logs or at least the full error and stack trace (Please share privately without any sensitive information)
  • Whether there are any assets that have been created on Collibra?
  • In case there are, what are the asset types of these assets?


17 Messages

2 years ago

Apologies for the lack of detail. Hopefully this error message is a bit more helpful. I am also working on getting logs and scrubbing sensitive information.

“message”:“Internal error during execution.”,
“exceptionMessage”:"{“message”:“An unexpected error occurred during execution.”,“details”:“Error reading entity from input stream.”,“cause”:“Unrecognized field \“result\” (class com.collibra.internal.api.model.output.Job), not marked as ignorable (17 known properties: \“userId\”, \“createdOn\”, \“resourceType\”, \“endDate\”, \“name\”, \“system\”, \“startDate\”, \“state\”, \“visibility\”, \“cancelable\”, \“lastModifiedBy\”, \“type\”, \“id\”, \“lastModifiedOn\”, \“createdBy\”, \“progressPercentage\”, \“message\”])\n at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 1, column: 376] (through reference chain: com.collibra.internal.api.model.output.Job[\“result\”])”}"

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @ben.brendle.collibra.com,

Thanks for the above.

It seems that the issue might be since the latest version of the Collibra Integration Library is not being used.

Can you please confirm whether you are using v1.1.10 of the Collibra Integration Library? Thanks
