2 Messages
Collibra Integration Library v1.2.0 - Marking Assets as Obsolete
I’m having trouble using the “updateObsoleteAssetsStatusByExternalId” method form the CollibraImportApiHelper Class .
It seems that something related to a generated Table View Config query :
ERROR c.c.d.g.q.engine.GraphQueryEngine - Graph Query failed unexpectedly
com.collibra.dgc.graph.query.engine.exceptions.GraphQueryEngineException: graphQueryPropertyNotChildOfFilteredNode
Params: [extSystemId]
Can you please help me on this ?
368 Messages
2 years ago
Hi @harold.klotoe.bnc.ca
You’re right, the method “updateObsoleteAssetsStatusByExternalId” is failing due to an incorrect Table View Config query generated internally by the library. We need to fix this and release a new version of the library. A new release will not be possible before the end of this year; we will try to release in January.
2 Messages
2 years ago
I also have a concern about “importAssetsByExternalId” method. It does not seems to represent the Mapping between the asset and the external system id. I tried to retrieve Mapping for my ingested system using the “Mappings” endpoint but nothing is returned.
Can you check that also ?
368 Messages
2 years ago
Hi @harold.klotoe.bnc.ca,
Regarding the above, just to let you that you should have received a private message regarding the next steps. Thanks