Monday, September 26th, 2022 8:28 PM

Collibra Predefined Technical Lineage documentation

Hi. I am trying out version 1.1.8 of collibra-integarion-library. I want to specifically use section “CollibraTechnicalLineageHelper Class” of the documentation. In it documentation does not explain how to use it and for CollibraPredefinedTechnicalLineage. also. javadoc. is not helpful at all. Is there another place I can look and see how to use it. Any sample would be awesome to look at.


368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @RajeshK,

A sample integration that makes use of the CollibraTechnicalLineageHelper class is the GCP Dataflow to Collibra integration.

In this Spring Boot application, you can refer to the following classes:

  • com.collibra.marketplace.gcp.dataflow.service.TechnicalLineageService – on how to build the technical lineage.
  • com.collibra.marketplace.gcp.dataflow.JSONRequestProcessor (lines 120 to 130) – on how to import the prepared technical lineage.

