Monday, November 15th, 2021 1:13 PM

Connect license vs. MuleSoft license

For those customers wanting to keep their existing Mulesoft integrations but secure the license directly from Mulesoft/Salesforce, are there technical changes needed for their integrations to work. I assume not, since we no longer do the license checks, but wanted to confirm.

368 Messages

3 years ago

Two technical changes are needed:

  1. Update the Mule license file (in case the client is using Collibra’s license file). Here are the steps needed:

a. If you are installing your license on multiple platforms, back up your new license.lic file in another location before proceeding.
b. Open the terminal or command line on your system.
b.1. On Mac/Unix/Linux, from the $MULE_HOME/bin directory, run the following command:
mule -installLicense ~/license.lic
b.2. On Windows, first copy the license.lic file into the \bin folder, then execute the following in the command line:
mule -installLicense license.lic
d. Mule removes the trial license and replaces it with the enterprise edition license. In the $MULE_HOME/conf directory, Mule saves a new file called muleLicenseKey.lic

  1. Update of the Mule EE repository settings (located in $USER_HOME/.m2/settings.xml ). This applies for clients who are using Collibra’s Mule EE nexus repository, as shown below (I’ve masked the password, just left the first two characters):




They will need to replace this with their own Mule EE repository credentials. More details about this can be found here and here.
