Tuesday, December 27th, 2022 11:38 PM

DBT to Collibra Integration(v1.2.2)

Hello @spring-team.collibra.com,

I have update the latest version(v1.2.2) of spring boot application. After setting up the values for properties file and updating other dependencies, we executed the code but it failed with below error message.

e[2m2022-12-27T17:55:44.963-05:00e[0;39m e[32m INFOe[0;39m e[35m8900e[0;39m e[2m—e[0;39m e[2m[0.0-8181-exec-1]e[0;39m e[36mc.c.dbt.component.DBTLineageTransformer e[0;39m e[2m:e[0;39m Transforms DBT tests performing
e[2m2022-12-27T17:55:44.973-05:00e[0;39m e[32m INFOe[0;39m e[35m8900e[0;39m e[2m—e[0;39m e[2m[0.0-8181-exec-1]e[0;39m e[36mc.c.dbt.component.DBTLineageTransformer e[0;39m e[2m:e[0;39m Test assets transformer operation has been completed
e[2m2022-12-27T17:55:49.517-05:00e[0;39m e[31mERRORe[0;39m e[35m8900e[0;39m e[2m—e[0;39m e[2m[0.0-8181-exec-1]e[0;39m e[36mc.c.d.exception.GlobalExceptionHandler e[0;39m e[2m:e[0;39m Null pointer exception has been occurred

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “java.util.UUID.toString()” because the return value of “com.collibra.dbt.component.CollibraOperations.findDomain(String)” is null

Please let me know if I need to provide domain UUID in configuration file?


368 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @SumitTiwari,

Please check that you have migrated all the properties to the new version, as the error seems to be coming from a domain ID set to null. Kindly follow the documentation to ensure that all properties are set correctly.


21 Messages

Hi @spring-team.collibra.com,

I have provided all the parameters values which was mentioned in the document. I am not sure what else is expected here?

Attaching the screen shot from document.


21 Messages

2 years ago

DBTLineageTransformer .txt (23.1 KB)

Hi @spring-team.collibra.com,

Below are few updates needed to the code:

  1. Case difference(Upper & Lower):
  • With further investigation, we found that the issue was with domain name created by this application. The DBName (SystemName > DBName > Schema) in domain was in lower case and at the time of assets insertion, the application was looking for domain name with DBName in UpperCase.

  • There were few other modification required where DBName, Schema and Table Names are getting created in lower case. Although its not throwing an error but to be consistent with EDGE server imports, I believe everything should be in Upcase.

  1. createExposureAssets

In this section, there are few attributes getting populated for exposures i.e .addAttributeValue(CollibraConstants.AttributeType.URL, exposures.getUrl()). There is no validation applied in case of null or empty value. @ralph.rimorin.collibra.com helped me fixed that and applied same validation for other attributes too.

Attaching the DBTLineageTransformer file with updated code. Please review it and update the main code.

  1. Duplicate assets getting created in this version

As per conversation with @antonio.castelo, this package should not create any duplicate assets. The configuration should consider EDGE and only upsert the assets to avoid any duplicate entry. Unfortunately this new version is creating duplicate assets and creating new domains for each schema. This was not the case with earlier version.


@ralph.rimorin.collibra.com @antonio.castelo @aaron.parry

368 Messages

Hi @SumitTiwari,

Thanks for your feedback. We took note of the following changes:

  • Please note that the scope of the integration was not to work with Edge, and therefore it wasn’t tested with it. However, we should create the asset names in uppercase to be consistent with Edge and avoid duplicate assets.
  • We will review the updated file, apply the changes and perform the correct tests to verify them. In the meantime, feel free to use the method 'addAttributeValueIfNotNull ’ to perform this null check.

We will create tickets for these changes and add them to our backlog as part of the development of this integration. However, please note these tickets still need an ETA, but we will update you accordingly.

