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Denodo Technical Lineage
Hello, the marketplace provides a spring boot integration for Denodo-Collibra. In page #10 of the documentation, it says " Technical lineage does not work with the latest Java v16", does this imply that technical lineage works with other versions? If so how can I see the lineage information in the Collibra DIC.
15 Messages
1 year ago
Hi Abhijith Renjan,
According to the documentation, the lineage harvester requires ‘Java Runtime Environment version 11.0.18 or newer, or OpenJDK 11.0.18 or newer’ (https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/InstallationAndConfiguration/LineageHarvestingApp/ref_lineage-harvester-requirements.htm). If you have the lineage harvester installed (https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/InstallationAndConfiguration/LineageHarvestingApp/ta_install-lineage-harvesting-app.htm) and ran it (https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/ta_run_lineage_harvester.htm) then you should be able to see the technical lineages for the data sources specified in the lineage harvester configuration file (https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/InstallationAndConfiguration/ta_prepare-config-file.htm). There should be a tab called ‘Technical Lineage’ on the left side of the asset’s page.
I hope it helps.