1 Message
700 Points
Dependency 'io.swagger:collibra-core:1.0.0' not found
Hi Collibra Team
We were exploring this marketplace listing and received below error :
Dependency 'io.swagger:collibra-core:1.0.0' not found
for following dependency:
Earlier we thought its due to missing Spring Boot Integration Library (Spring Boot 2.x) jar but this jar is different and not found in marketplace.
Any help to point me in right direction will help.
Aditya Pawar
8 Messages
765 Points
6 months ago
Hello, have you tried removing that dependency? Looking on Maven Central, the io.swagger group has no "collibra-core" artifact. I think it's probably a copy/pasting accident. I would try removing it and if Maven throws an error when you build, it should be easy to find what dependency you're missing and then you can just add it instead.