Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 11:46 AM

Manta Collibra integration

Can we linked Manta lineage to Collibra data catalog? if yes, then please share on the process.
Also, can anyone please share the Manta Collibra Integration Architecture or Material?

10 Messages


55 Points

2 years ago

We are also looking at Manta for handling our technical lineage and integrating with Collibra. I’ll be interested in reading the documents Collibra has for you.

2 years ago

@jpine.aflac.com Can you share the link where i can access the Documents.

711 Messages


19.2K Points

2 years ago

10 Messages


55 Points

2 years ago

Thanks, Kristen for the link. It’s a good overview of what the Manta reps said during a demo. One of our pain points is the ingestion of SAP BO universe metadata, which we are struggling with using the BO Connector, where the old IMM product did it well. We’ll need to see what Manta can do to improve that area. We are also looking at some type of tool to pull in Infoworks ETL code, in the Snowflake environment. I guess it is too new for it to be a marketplace option. To extend the journey one more step, will be the smooth, collaborative melding of Manta and Collibra, so our customers don’t feel like they are using a mixed bag of applications. Those are the document specifics I was wondering about. Thanks again.

38 Messages

2 years ago

Dear @parvinder.singh and @jpine.aflac.com,
Our contact Petr (@petr.stipek.getmanta.com) can surely help you answering early questions you may have.
Please note, from the Marketplace listings, there’s a “Contact Publisher” option where Petr and team are immediately notified, please leverage it.
