Saturday, January 14th, 2023 1:51 AM

Oracle DB Connection thru ASO/OSA user

Hi Team,
We are trying to connect Oracle DB via ASO/OSA user on the database which uses a different type of authentication to connect on Collibra edge server for security reasons. However, the document in Collibra marketplace Shows the connection provider uses regular User ID/ Password.

[JDBC Driver for Oracle (Thin client-side) - Collibra Marketplace] (https://marketplace.collibra.com/listings/jdbc-driver-for-oracle/)
FYI, our team already raised this concern with Collibra team but as they mentioned the existing drivers doesn’t support ASO/OSA user authentication in Collibra edge server. It would be great if anyone could provide me the steps how can we handle this type of connection on Collibra edge server.


32 Messages


600 Points

2 years ago

Hi @aparamse.sdgecontractor.com,

Thanks for reaching out with your question - it doesn’t look as though anyone else in the community has yet been successful in this method.

I reached out internally to see if I could find someone to assist, and just got confirmation that Collibra has not tested this. I will keep my ears open and let you know if I am able to get any more information for you. If you are successful with this method, please let us know and share what you’ve learned here so that everyone can benefit!

Senior Manager, Community Success
