23 Messages
Power BI Lineage Harvesting Data Sources in Source ID File
Hi, We are trying to harverst Power BI lineage and trying to follow steps as per below documentation.
As per this documentation, we are trying to find the values for below parameters from Power BI to place them in Source ID file:
As we are kind of blindfolded to look at Power BI side, can some one tell us what should we ask to our Power BI folks to get the values of above parameters?
Thanks in advance!
Krishna Chaitanya
23 Messages
2 years ago
@anouk.gorris - can you help for this query
23 Messages
2 years ago
@rosario.carbone.collibra.com - can you help us on this query
19 Messages
2 years ago
Hi, thank you for reaching out on the data citizens community. I’m happy to answer your questions.
found_dbname = the database name as returned by Power BI. You can find the database name under the “database node” in the Browse tab pane of your technical lineage.
found_hostname = the hostname as returned by Power BI. For example, if you connect Power BI desktop to Oracle, the hostname can be an IP address.
found_schema = the schema that belongs to the database used in Power BI.
dbname = the database name you want to map to. This means the Database asset used in Collibra.
schema = the schema name you want to map to. This means the Schema asset used in Collibra.
collibraSystemName = the system name you want to map to. This means the System asset in Collibra.
Please be aware that all values are optional.
Example: I have used an Oracle database in a Power BI Dataset. The Oracle database has database name “”, which is what you see in the Browse tab pane in technical lineage. In Collibra, the database asset is called “database-oracle” and it is connected to a System asset called “Oracle”. As a result, stitching won’t work unless you map both database names and specify the collibraSystemName (optionally). You can do that by using the following configuration:
"found_dbname=;found_hostname=": {
“dbname”: “database-oracle”,
“dialect”: “oracle”,
“collibraSystemName”: “Oracle”
Using the asterisk () means here means: Find the specific database name with any hostname.
Example 2: Let’s say you have Databricks. You have two or more databases on the same host. When you connect to Power BI, the hostname is adb-1234506454.16.azuredatabricks.net. You’d like to group these two databases together in your technical lineage view, so you use the following configuration file:
“found_dbname=;found_hostname=adb-1234506454.16.azuredatabricks.net”: {
“dialect”: “oracle”,
“collibraSystemName”: “Databricks”
Using the asterisk () means here means: Find all databases under the specified hostname.
23 Messages
2 years ago
Thank you so much for your reply @anouk.gorris
Also can you give your insight on below query also please?