16 Messages
Qlik Sense Integration Using Spring Boot
I am trying to get Qlik Sense metadata using spring boot into Collibra. I have already installed and deplyed the spring boot application and have tried to get the metadata using the sync data user task workflow and the https post method, mentioned in the documenatation.
But i don’t see any result. I don’t get any error message and neither do i see the data.
Has anyone tried the qlik sense spring boot integration available on the marketplace. Have you seen any results? Would you know, why I don’t see any results, even though I dont get any error. And is there a way to track the progress.
@spring-team.collibra.com can you help?
711 Messages
19.2K Points
2 years ago
@sontam.keerthana.infosys.com, might anything in this thread help? - https://community.collibra.com/forum/t/qlik-sense-to-collibra-integration/2170/5
6 Messages
2 years ago
I think first you need to create data assests and their relationships in collibra then assign UUIds accourding to it in your code
6 Messages
2 years ago
I think we are on the same page , I tried to build this integration with Eclipse & Spring boot but even after the build success it is not showing any metadata in Collibra.
you can reach out to me - Shubham.kasana436@gmail.com