Thursday, March 17th, 2022 2:43 PM

Read JSON payload and import into Collibra - Open API Springboot

Hello All

I am trying to run the package downloaded from Collibra Marketplace which will read JSON payload and import in DGC platform.

This is integrated with Collibra Spring boot library V 1.1.4. This API expects a JSON payload which is in OpenAPI specification. Can you please share any sample of the JSON payload which will import in Collibra.

Below are details:
Collibra Platform version - 2022.02 for server version, and 2022.03 for the DGC build number 20220302161146
Collibra Integration Library v1.1.4
Package Reference From Collibra - https://marketplace.collibra.com/listings/template-read-json-payload-and-import-into-collibra/


691 Messages


17.7K Points

3 years ago

46 Messages


400 Points

3 years ago

@krishnasrivinitha.vedurumudi.duke-energy.com and I found the sample Swagger docs in the Resources folder in the package.

691 Messages


17.7K Points

@david.botzenhart.duke-energy.com Great, and I see that the spring-team answered your question after you were able to install and run - https://community.collibra.com/forum/t/relationship-question-with-read-json-payload-template-integration/1743/2.
