Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 4:55 PM

Read JSON Payload template integration : Target data relationships

My question concerns the different assets types Code Value, Data Structure & Data Element used by the Spring-boot template Read JSON Payload template integration ?
As those asset type already exists in the ootb model, is it required to created them ?
And in the case I can use the existing ones, do I need to add specific relations between them descrived in the associated documentation ?

711 Messages


19.2K Points

3 years ago

368 Messages

3 years ago

Hi @jean-luc.garnier.safrangroup.com ,

You do not need to create any of the OOTB asset/relation types.

The integration uses two custom asset types: API and API Endpoint, and one custom relation type: Data Asset is of type Data Asset. If you import the provided CMA file, you do not need to create these. Otherwise, you’d need to create these manually and also set the custom relation type id in the source code in com.collibra.marketplace.template.sync.json.sample.utils.CustomConstants class (line 35)

The provided CMA file does not contain all relations and attributes in the scope assignments it imports. So you’d need to add these manually if you wish to see attributes/relations created by the integration directly in the asset details page. Note that we will soon release a new version of the integration with an updated CMA file that will contain all attributes/relations in the scope assignments.

9 Messages

Hi @spring-team.collibra.com , thank you for your reply.
Excact, I imported first the CMA that do the job and no more manual action was required
