Friday, April 1st, 2022 1:11 PM

Recommendation for integrating data sources which will be going away in one year

Are there any recommendations or pro’s vs cons that can be shared from cataloging assets that we know will go away in less than 1 year. As a generic example, take the case of someone migrating data assets to a new go forward platform. For a period of time there will be some duplication between the two platforms. Would the recommendation be catalog both, or just the go forward platform?

Thank You!

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3 years ago

There is the typical use case of using a data catalog to identify the important data to migrate first, dependencies, etc.
But if you will use none of that, I think it can be easier to just focus on the new data source.
Anyways, the two data sources should be catalogued in different communities, allowing to quickly prune the old one when you want
