46 Messages


400 Points

Friday, March 18th, 2022 8:55 PM

Relationship question with Read JSON Payload template integration

Hi @spring-team.collibra.com,
We were able to install and run the JSON Payload template integration.
I saw the migration CMA file that comes with the package included a custom relationship of “Data Asset is type of Data Asset”. But to my surprise it was implemented like this. Where the Role and Corole are the same.
This confuses me, can you explain why we would need such a relationship?

368 Messages

3 years ago

Dear @david.botzenhart.duke-energy.com ,

The JSON template extracts the schemas from a swagger/openapi template. Schemas are represented as ’ Data Structures ’ assets. Each Schema has a set of properties which are represented as ’ Data Element ’ assets. These two asset types both have a parent type ’ Data Asset’ .

The custom relationship ’ Data Asset is of type Data Asset ’ is used in two cases;

The first case is when a ’ Data element ’ refers to another ’ Data Structure’ ; For example, using the Swagger Petstore (https://petstore.swagger.io/): A ‘Data Structure’ ‘Pet’ contains a ‘Data Element’ called ‘category’, and this ‘category’ refers to a Data Structure object called ‘Category’.

The second case is when a ‘Data Structure’ refers to another ‘Data Structure’: This happens when the parent schema is a type an object of type array (For example ‘UserList’) and it contains a child schema of type object (For example ‘Users’).

That is why this custom relationship was introduced; ’ Data asset is of type Data Asset ’ to group all the Data Structures and Data Elements that refer to either each other or to assets of the same type. For more information please refer to the following documentation: https://marketplace.collibra.com/listings/template-read-json-payload-and-import-into-collibra/#
