26 Messages
Unable to import assets - Collibra Integration 1.1.9
I am getting the following error when trying to import assets using Collibra Marketplace Integration 1.1.9
2022-10-30 12:47:28,610 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] ERROR com.testpackage.sync.component.TransformerStiboStructure - Error: {"message":"The Collibra Platform job did not complete successfully.","failingObjects":[],"collibraPlatformApiError":"{\"id\":\"78124450-602b-4425-855b-cd1b03c00bff\",\"createdBy\":\"255c8687-3c65-4761-9d51-e87e6ed35d15\",\"createdOn\":1667148449793,\"lastModifiedBy\":\"255c8687-3c65-4761-9d51-e87e6ed35d15\",\"lastModifiedOn\":1667148453168,\"system\":false,\"resourceType\":\"Job\",\"name\":\"Import\",\"type\":\"IMPORT\",\"userId\":\"255c8687-3c65-4761-9d51-e87e6ed35d15\",\"visibility\":0,\"progressPercentage\":100,\"cancelable\":true,\"startDate\":1667148450642,\"endDate\":1667148453163,\"state\":\"ERROR\",\"message\":\"{\\\"type\\\":\\\"MESSAGE\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"You are not allowed to add, edit or remove an attribute whose type is read only.\\\"}\",\"result\":\"FAILURE\"}"}
The function call is
`collibraImportApiHelper.importAssets(uuid, assetCollection, CollibraImportResponseType.ASSETS_AND_IDS);
I have the Admin role and have created a Scope and assigned it to the domain I am trying to import the assets into.
This had worked earlier with the integration library 1.1.3.
701 Messages
18.5K Points
2 years ago
@spring-team.collibra.com, is this something you could help Aaman with?
368 Messages
2 years ago
Hi @aaman.lamba,
Can you please advise whether a custom integration or a Marketplace integration is being used?
In case a custom integration is being used, can you please provide a snippet of the failing import / where the assets are being prepared? Thanks
Regarding the following error, it seems that the issue might be that in the list of assets that are being imported, there is at least one asset that is defining an attribute type, however, it is not assigned to the respective asset type on the Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud instance.
Therefore, can you please confirm that all the asset types being used have all the possible attribute types assigned to them?
Also, since scopes were mentioned, just to note that these need to be assigned to the domain that is being used from the Settings > Scopes page. Thanks