Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 2:33 PM

Dependent Sources for Technical Lineage for SQL Server

We are converting our SQL Server lineage from Lineage Harvester to Edge. We want to get end-to-end lineage for Database A to Database B to Database C. Each Database has a separate Source ID, connection, and lineage capability… We accomplished this in the Lineage Harvester by using the “useSharedDbModel: true” in our Lineage Harvester configuration file.

In the Edge “Technical Lineage for SQL Server” configuration page, there is a setting called “Dependent Sources”. This is located in the “Advanced Properties” section. The description says “List of Source IDs this source has a dependency on. Click Add Property to add each Source ID.”. The Collibra documentation does not describe this property.

I suspect that this property “Dependent Sources” is the way Edge accomplishes the same thing as the Lineage Harvester “useSharedDbModel” setting? If so, how do I properly configure the “Dependent Sources” property?

I have 3 databases and 3 Technical Lineage for SQL Server capabilities (one for each database). Do I need to set the “Dependent Property” value in each capability to mention the other dependent databases? For example:

Database A - list Dependent Sources as Database B and Database C
Database B - list Dependent Sources as Database A and Database C
Database C - list Dependent Sources as Database A and Database B

Any insight will be appreciated.

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1 year ago

I am dealing with similar situation. I tried to add the source ID of another database as per the documentation but still the lineages are not mapping.  
