12 Messages


1.1K Points

Thursday, August 8th, 2024 2:19 PM

Repository for lineage harvester

Our internal policies mean we are only allowed to download software in one of two ways, 1) our Artifactory instance or 2) via a request to our helpdesk.  It seems lineage harvester is only available to download from collibra's website via Lineage harvester 2024.08 - Collibra | Product Resource Center and the download link resolves to a random cloudfront URL.  This means we can only install it after requesting from our helpdesk and they have a security scanning process to go through which can take a couple of weeks.  This will make it painful for us to keep it up to date.  Is there anyway of downloading it either from a fixed URL root, or from a repository that we can mirror on artifactory? (preferred).

4 Messages


50 Points

6 months ago

Lineage harvester functionality is also available on Edge as documented in the downloads page. Edge provides an easier and flexible approach for you to manage upgrades of the lineage harvester compared to the CLI harvester that has to be downloaded from this page. 

For more details on Edge upgrades including options to setup a private docker registry using JFrog's Artifactory, please visit https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/Edge/EdgeSitesInstallation/co_Upgrade_Edge.htm

12 Messages


1.1K Points

Thank you for the answer.  We are already using lineage on Edge but it doesn't fully meet our needs.  We have a very high number of databases in our snowflake accounts and Edge struggles to cope when harvesting lineage.  We have been exploring using the lineage harvester as this will let us break our harvest into smaller chunks but the lack of a proper repo is an issue.
