Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 12:31 AM

Coming up next week: Get started with Collibra DIP! [Live webinar: Feb 20]

Are you or a teammate new to Collibra? Join this webinar to learn Collibra fundamentals, discover key resources, and meet your peers and Collibra experts!

February 20 @ 11am ET | Sign up today!

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7 months ago

Hi @keren.corley , would there be a new Data Citizens Circle with Rohan on Collibra Dashboards after the 18th Jan session?

Last time the webex break out sessions did not work well for some of participants, and Dashboards topic was the most sought after break-out room.

Here is the recording of Data Citizens Circle on 18th Jan. Custom Dashboards with Rohan are at 16:36 minute:
Things you didn’t know Collibra could do | Collibra

Looking forward to “get started with collibra” on 20th Feb!
