Friday, May 20th, 2022 11:13 AM

Cognos to Collibra Integrator

I have downloaded the Cognos to collibra integration package: https://marketplace.collibra.com/listings/cognos-to-collibra-integration-2/

The following software versions are installed:

  1. Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers, Version: 2022-03 (4.23.0)
  2. Maven v3.8.5
  3. Java version -
    java version “18.0.1” 2022-04-19

I get the following error while configuring Lombok plugin for eclipse. Please could you provide any recommendation to resolve the error.
Error message:
“Unable to read repository at https://projectlombok.org/p2/content.xml.
Unable to read repository at https://projectlombok.org/p2/content.xml.
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target”

I have tried the following options

  1. Using Lombok jar files:1.18.24, 1.18.12, 1.18.10
  2. Providing the URL in Eclipse: https://projectlombok.org/p2


668 Messages


11.9K Points

2 years ago

@praveen.swaminathan Did you submit this to our Support portal? @spring-team.collibra.com, any advice for Praveen?

hi Kristen,
Yes, I have also submitted this on Collibra support portal - #88724. The response I received is - "The error you are getting will be something you need to work with Lombok. This is not a Collibra error. You can try checking their community page for further assistance. "

368 Messages

2 years ago

Hello Praveen,

Thanks for trying the Cognos to Collibra integration.

Regarding the error encountered, can you please advise whether a proxy server (or something similar) is being used to access the internet?

It seems that when trying to access https://projectlombok.org/p2/content.xml, the SSL certificate is not valid (might be a self-signed certificate).

Hi @spring-team.collibra.com ,
Yes, internet access is via corporate firewall. I tried downloading the jar file. Eclipse says - “could not find jar file”. Please could you recommend any other solution to install the plugin.


368 Messages

2 years ago

Hello Praveen,

The instructions on how to install Lombok for Eclipse are defined in the Installation section, Lombok sub-section of the Cognos to Collibra documentation.

To do so, you should do the following:

  1. Download the latest version of Lombok from https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.projectlombok%20AND%20a:lombok&core=gav.
  2. Install the download JAR file according to the steps available in this page – https://projectlombok.org/setup/eclipse.

For step 2, you can use the following command to install the Lombok JAR file from the terminal:

java -jar lombok-1.18.24.jar

Thank you for your guidance. I am able to install Lombok plugin for Eclipse.
