Monday, May 2nd, 2022 5:36 AM

Extracting Lineage from Redshift Database

I have been trying to extract lineage information from Redshift to Collibra using lineaage harvester. I was able to install it but when I tried to run the full sync, the SQL query stops running after a certain point and the harvester Is stuck. I assume it might be the permissions.
So I wanted to know,

• What kind of permission are needed to be given to the database and to the user in order for the harvester to run.
• If say, certain permissions can’t be given due to security reasons, what could be the workaround.
• Can a custom query be written as a workaround and if it can what would the contents of it be.


711 Messages


19.2K Points

3 years ago

@sontam.keerthana.infosys.com From our Lineage team: "You need to use the latest harvester and try with that one. There was a patch fix in April - scroll down to “2022.04 patch 1 fixes” in these release notes.

But always check for the latest version as why upgrade to 2022.04 if 2022.05 is already out? :slight_smile:

Permission documentation is here. If it still fails, create a support ticket and reference the URL of this thread."

16 Messages

Hi Kristen,
Thank you for the reply. Is there an document, which has the steps for the upgrading the lineage harvester, as the steps mentioned in document center is pretty vague.


711 Messages


19.2K Points

@sontam.keerthana.infosys.com You can download the new version here and copy/paste your configuration file and pwd.conf file to the new harvester.
