Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 3:19 AM

Harvest lineage from SQL files


I have a few local MSSQL & ORACLE DBs that can not be linked to Collibra’s Tech lineage harvester. However I have rights to run any kind of queries on these DBs.
I want to harvest tech lineage from these local DBs and was wondering if there is a method to do that (may be by SQL Files).
Collibra product documentation does mention this use case, but this resource hardly helps.

Has anyone implented this custom lineage via SQL and can they share the process to do the same ?


14 Messages

2 years ago

Hi @nikhil.dayal.aemo.com.au,

Were you able to implement the custom lineage via SQL?

I have the same requirement with my client where for one particular table I need to refer to the SQL files which contains the create and the insert statements for the same.

Could you please share the process?

Thanks in advance,

4 Messages

2 years ago

Hi Guys,
I have the same requirment as well, How do we harvest the lineage from a SQL file, Steps/process Please ?

41 Messages

Maybe have a look at this. There is an easy hack. Change the SQL query so it becomes a view. So insert as a first line in yourSQL query file:

Custom Technical lineage - Product Q&A - the Data Citizens community (collibra.com)


4 Messages

Thanks Rohit, Will check on the steps.

2 years ago

Hi ,

Please refer to the document it is detailed and clear steps . I have done this recently and got the results.
Step1 : Installation of LH : https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/InstallationAndConfiguration/LineageHarvestingApp/ref_lineage-harvester-requirements.htm
Step2 : Add the sql file in the correct location
link : https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/CollibraDataLineage/TechnicalLineage/InstallationAndConfiguration/ta_prepare-sql-directory.htm
Step3 : Prepare your configuration file.
Step4 : Run the LH command to extract the lineage.

You can follow these steps and in case of any issue reach out to collibra team also they will be of great help.

Also please check if any proxy or firewall is in place so needful minor change will be required but you can start from here.


4 Messages

Thanks Tom, Will check on the note.

169 Messages


11.9K Points

is this same same with Edge?
