161 Messages
550 Points
Sustainable End-User Onboarding and Training
Conversation Starter!
I am keenly interested in what processes other organizations have established to successfully on-board and train their user base.
Some ideas to kick off the conversation…
- do you provide training materials on the platform itself?
- what about different workflows behaviour based on the knowledge level of the user?
- do you leverage access to Collibra materials (university, product docs, etc.)
- what’s your preferred format for online training (video tutorials, textual/image)?
- is your training for senior managers and executives different from mere mortals?
Algonquin College is and organization with limited resources, a large base of Collibra neophytes of mixed willingness, and a mandate to formalize the governance of assets through the use of the platform. In the past, we’ve tried in-person onboarding and training (pre-COVID), online video tutorials (accessible from the landing page), and instructional asset pages, all with mixed results.
What works for your organization?
7 Messages
3 years ago
@tom.friesen I seem to have initiated a sustained “hockey-stick” growth trajectory by sticking to a simple daily routine:
100% of messages receive a reply within 24h from the user (70% within 15m). Typically whatever their response we then issue 1 of 2 snippets:
The snippets are either links to, or excerpts from, whatever the latest version of our official onboarding playbooks (which are updated roughly once a week, as we constantly refine internal documentation & nano-degrees).
I call this “growth hacking” and happy to demo any time or explore further. I have already demoed it to 3 other Collibra customers who’ve found it informative & inspiring.
15 Messages
3 years ago
@oliver.steadman.astrazeneca.com I love these suggestions, and I’m psyched to see how successful they are at AstraZeneca!
In our own Data Office we participate in monthly new hire onboarding training on the use of Collibra as part of a larger company wide program (which provides all new hires with a series of training sessions to understand what Collibra is, what the different products are, how to use Collibra internally and a look at a few highlighted success stories of customers using Collibra).
Our class is pretty general, and of course we include reference for followup Collibra University training to dive deeper and get more specific.
Similar to you, we also hold monthly Office Hours as well.
I am going to consider the use-based followup messaging and next step suggestions you do - seems very intuitive and effective!
@tom.friesen I hope these ideas help you as well?
cc @simla.sivanandan.collibra.com