90 Messages


2.1K Points

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 2:42 PM

Categorize Attributes

Has anyone discovered a way to categorize attributes?  For instance, I want to identify certain Data Set attributes as being "security" related, while others are "HR" or "Finance" related.  Using tags doesnt work as anyone can create their own tags which makes searching virtually impossible.


164 Messages


11.7K Points

3 months ago

Attribute attributes! I thought there was an Ideation ticket for it but can't find on a search. See if you can find ... or raise a ticket ;-)

You can collect attributes & relationships (collectively characteristics) in your asset types Assignment (Scope) layout. Very handy. https://productresources.collibra.com/docs/collibra/latest/Content/Assets/TailoredAssetPages/ta_edit-layout.htm

90 Messages


2.1K Points

@grantrollerson1 Thanks for the advise, but not exactly what I am looking for.  Your comment "Attribute attributes" however, was exactly what I am looking for.  Your solution allows me to display attributes/relationships, but doesnt really allow me to characterize them.  For instance, I cant ask Collibra to provide me with a list of all "financial" attributes.  I will keep looking though...

164 Messages


11.7K Points

oh, it's your ticket ;-) Allow expansion of meta data about attributes and | Ideation platform

Ann is correct though, you could use Operating Model Reverse Engineering (OMRE) - Collibra Marketplace to do your tagging. great idea actually although a bit of a long way around the houses when it would be easier to add extended properties (meta) to attributes and relationships. Certainly though OMRE in the meantime and then backfill to a strategic solution when that Ideation ticket is hopefully delivered.


90 Messages


2.1K Points

@grantrollerson1​ I went back and found the ticket too - you responded quicker than I did.  Hopefully, others will support the idea of allowing Collibra Architects to expand the meta model. Not just for attributes, but for relationships, assets, groups, etc
