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DQ Connector - What RULE type does it harvest?
What RULES/METRICS does the connector harvest from Data Quality instance? I have seen only type SQLF. I have some GLOBAL (SQLG?) rules that I attached to a profile run that are not being harvested. I have “Quick Rules” did not get harvested. I have rules that are generated from the “Questions” tab
Data Quality & Observability
Rules brought by the DQ connector to Collibra DIC
The DQ connector brings the rules from Collibra DQ to be able to show Data Quality Information in Collibra DIC. Semantic rules -> A semantic is the “semantic type” of a column or attribute of a dataset. DQ’s semantic scanning self identifies standard columns and automatically provides the proper
Data Quality & Observability
Rules details export shows difference with respect to summary details
Has anyone experienced a difficulty in interpreting the export of rules details in a data quality job.? The export shows much larger difference with respect to the summary details in a data quality job findings that uses a pushdown connection.
Data Quality & Observability
What is the road map for the Collibra DQ Connector and full integration with DGC?
Question from a partner: What is the road map for the Collibra DQ Connector and full integration with DGC?Matt Tsui was kind enough to help with these answers: Q1. “Integration of the export of profiling results to DGC … when will this be available?” A: Profiling results to DG
Data Quality & Observability
DIC to DQ Connector Association
Question: Regarding the DQ connector - how does DIC/DQ make the association between tables/jobs in DQ and assets in DIC? like what is it matching on? Answer (from Brian Mearns): "Currently - four part key:(connection > database > schema > table > (column) )
Data Quality & Observability
How to configure DQ Connector
In this post we are going to review the DQ connector configuration step by step. Prerequisites Edge Create an Edge site via Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud Settings. Install the Edge site close to the data source you want to access. Collibra Data Quality Install Collibra Data Quality. Con
Data Quality & Observability
Cant connect Collibra to SQL Intanced Server
Hello, we are trying to connect Collibra to a instance in our SQL Server with the jdbc string: jdbc:sqlserver://{SERVER}\{INSTANCE}:{PORT};databaseName={DATABASE};encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true, but it keeps returning this error: Unexpected error running test connection Test jdbc connecti
JDBC drivers
Data Quality for Salesforce
Has anyone attempted to create a Data Quality connection to Salesforce? We are attempting to understand options for doing so as it appears that there are JDBC connectors for DIC, but not for Data Quality. Please let me know if you have any recommendations as to how to go about it. Than
Data Quality & Observability