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DQ Audit Trail for Rule Changes
A prospective client asked a fine question regarding “auditing the change of the custom rules.” After some research and testing this, indeed we do have auditing of rule changes at this level of granularity: Audit columns: dataset = Any rule is associated with a Dataset. So this is the name of the
Data Quality & Observability
REVIEWED-PENDING DOCUMENTATION: Collibra DQ Check for Longitude/Latitude
Question from a prospect was, can Collibra DQ automatically check the longitude and latitude values? Answer: We have two Collibra DQ out of the box semantic rules: LAT: ^(\\+|-)?(?:90(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-8][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$ LNG: ^(\\+|-)?(?:180(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-9]
Rules details export shows difference with respect to summary details
Has anyone experienced a difficulty in interpreting the export of rules details in a data quality job.? The export shows much larger difference with respect to the summary details in a data quality job findings that uses a pushdown connection.
Data Quality & Observability
REVIEWED-PENDING DOCUMENTATION: How can I use DQ to export the table rows where there were DQ rule breaks?
When using the Collibra DQ software, if there is a rule break, how can I export the table row which had the broken rule, so that I can go back and fix the problem in my data source? Answer: You will need to select the Link ID in the scope page, and this will allow you to export the row(s) where rule
Does a rule which references another DQ Dataset refresh that DQ Dataset?
Question: Given the following rule: select department from @PUBLIC.EMPLOYEES EXCEPT select department from @PUBLIC.REFERENCE_DEPT Will this rule when run cause the reference Dataset @PUBLIC.REFERENCE_DEPT to immediately run and refresh its contents? Answer: According to Eric Gerstner, yes it will a
TO BE REVIEWED: DQ Rule Creation: Simple vs. Freeform vs. Native
Customer Question: “Please advise if this type of rule can be written as a Simple Rule, or must it be written as Freeform SQL or as a Native SQL rule?: BP_HIGH_IND is NULL AND BP_IND IS NULL AND ADDR_LINE3_TX is NOT NULL AND (length(ADDR_Line1_TX) > 40 or ADDR_LINE3_TX NOT rlike (’^[a-zA-Z0-9,#&a
Behavior rules - Upper bound and lower bound calculatuion
Hello Collibra friends, Can somebody share how the behavior check, row-count generates the lower bound and upper bound adaptively and predict a range after the learning phase..
Data Quality & Observability