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Rules details export shows difference with respect to summary details
Has anyone experienced a difficulty in interpreting the export of rules details in a data quality job.? The export shows much larger difference with respect to the summary details in a data quality job findings that uses a pushdown connection.
Data Quality & Observability
What is the work flow for a DQ Check Job, and how are rules applied, do rules hit the original data source?
Question: My understanding is that there are two possibilities for rules to run. One is they run against the Apache Spark Dataset created by the DQ Check, thereby they do not bother the customer datasource. The other option is that a DQ Native SQL rule is created which is targeting a native database
Data Quality & Observability
How can I configure BigQuery Technical Lineage "other query" when I am using INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS instead of ROUTINES/PARAMETERS
hello, I am configuring a BigQuery Technical Lineage, but I have realized that in the section "other queries" the tables from information schema used is not the same from the default collibra query : SELECTr.routine_name,CONCAT('CREATE ', r.routine_type, ' `', r.routine_schema, '.', r.routine_name
SQL Server Springboot integration
Hi, i am trying to connect to SQL server, and would like to know, if you can help me with the Connection string for remote SQL server. Currently i am using the following: sql.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=;TrustServerCertificate=True sql.datasource.use
XML Datatype within SQL database
We are trying to onboard a SQL source to Collibra containing XML datatype. Has anyone had any experience /success with successfully doing this using the Collibra SQL JDB driver?
Ingest specific SQL tables from a schema
Hello, I am trying to ingest some tables from a schema from an SQL server. I only want to ingest a few tables and ignore the rest. I am trying to use the connection string given in the documentation - “Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC”. However, I only see the schema ingested and none of the mentioned
Extracting KPI definitions from database views
Hello, In my organization there are several hundred KPIs defined in a views. (For example, there is CustomerKPI view select a * b / c as CustomerScore1 definition. Is there a way in Collibra to automatically extract those definitions for purposes of crating KPI catalog? If so, how? Do we need to cre
Cant connect Collibra to SQL Intanced Server
Hello, we are trying to connect Collibra to a instance in our SQL Server with the jdbc string: jdbc:sqlserver://{SERVER}\{INSTANCE}:{PORT};databaseName={DATABASE};encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true, but it keeps returning this error: Unexpected error running test connection Test jdbc connecti
JDBC drivers
DQ Rule Creation: Simple vs. Freeform vs. Native
Customer Question: “Please advise if this type of rule can be written as a Simple Rule, or must it be written as Freeform SQL or as a Native SQL rule?: BP_HIGH_IND is NULL AND BP_IND IS NULL AND ADDR_LINE3_TX is NOT NULL AND (length(ADDR_Line1_TX) > 40 or ADDR_LINE3_TX NOT rlike (’^[a
Data Quality & Observability
Collibra DQ unable to join dataset using @
For a specific dataset created, Collibra is not able to see it as a dataset name and is throwing error - Exception with freeform sql rule check: extraneous input '@' expecting ... Usually if @dataset is registered, the query will change the name of the dataset from @dataset to <dataset>_datas
Data Quality & Observability
apply custom dq rule to more than one dataset
If I create a custom simple rule on a dataset is there a way to apply that same rule to another dataset? For example I want to apply a completeness check on a column in one dataset that is based on a subset of data on an individual table and then I create another dataset against that same table for
Data Quality & Observability