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In my case, I believe it’s a new class of issue, maybe because of a recent release. I’m trying to query few assets (very small result set), the query works over REST, but not using the java API. This is so worrying to risk so big by using this capabi

System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


Hi, We looked into this in more detail. Our previous statement that “If you restrict a filesystem, all its child entities (including Gen2 paths and all its children) will also be filtered out.” is incorrect. In the case

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Azure Purview SpringBoot Integration

I have set all the application properties and the api endpoints upon executing its giving results in my local browser and in postman. In the springboot application when I am running the application there is no error showing to me and the data sync is also not happening can you please help me… with t


Hi Arthur, I (and a few others I know) have been aware of this issue for a while. The Output Module seems to have a tendency to crash the environment if the request is too large. Paging the responses yields a bit of luck but it’s not quite the fix on

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System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


Thanks @guido.bilstein let me have a look at it

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ELK integrations with Collibra logs

I am trying to integrate the collibra logs with ELK. Has anyone ever done that before it’ll be useful for me?


Following for a response from Collibra or anyone who might have implemented this.


1 year ago

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API to get the Suggested Business Term for a column

Hi Developers, we’re looking to automate the suggestion for a business term when we import our columns. Is there an API that will return the top suggested Business term like in the UI? Or how has the community been doing this? Are you creating your own AI models to look for Terms that match the col


Hi Rick, You have to consider one important step in advance: what is your governance framework for these specific business terms ? Is there 1 data owner / data definition owner - or - are these 3 types of business terms’ individually owned. For 1

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Business Glossary question: How best to differentiate types of business terms within a single glossary?

We are considering using a single business glossary to contain three different custom business term asset types based on business term: Preferred Terms, Medical Concepts, and Sub-Medical Concepts. There’s one more challenge too: Sometimes a term such as “abdominal discomfort” can be a Preferred Term


Hi, we have used the Collibra available API’s to get information from Collibra to PowerBI but it is tricky. If the extracted data set is big, it can crash the Collibra instance. I would seek Collibra Coatching etc. for help before doing this in prod.

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Insights Data Access and Power BI

Hi, We are looking to build a reporting dashboard with Power BI utilizing Insights Data Access. Collibra’s Product Resources has instructions on how to do this through Tableau, however, our client is a Power BI organization. Would anyone have examples of getting these steps to work with Power BI ins


Hey Rick! Yes, you can create three domains (Preferred Terms, Medical Concepts and optionally Sub-Medical Concepts). Then, you can either use a community view or a global view to see all the assets in one location. This is probably the best way to a

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Business Glossary question: How best to differentiate types of business terms within a single glossary?

We are considering using a single business glossary to contain three different custom business term asset types based on business term: Preferred Terms, Medical Concepts, and Sub-Medical Concepts. There’s one more challenge too: Sometimes a term such as “abdominal discomfort” can be a Preferred Term


Hi Guido. As it turns out, my question is moot, now that Collibra has released a new UI for the import process. Now the import UI shows all columns that exist in the source spreadsheet, and (in my first use of the new UI) properly maps MOST of the co

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Import's "map asset characteristics" window not showing all columns

Hi. I’d be grateful for some guidance on this. The Collibra Import’s “Map the asset characteristics to the columns in the import file” shows only 6 of the 19 columns that are in the source sheet. I have the proper view chosen in that window, and the column headers for both the source and target tabl


I’m happy that was helpful. Happy to help

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Display certains columns in a diagram

Hello I did a diagram with the following relations Shema belongs to Database Shema contains table Table contains columns Columns represents Data attribute Data attributes is source for Report attribute Report attribute complies to Data quality rule … The problem is that the diagram display all Colum


The pdf documentation is available with all the other PDF downloads: PDF downloads ( and the html documentation is on the dev portal: By the way, I

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API for getting KPIs about assets - counting assets with criterias - reporting

Hello, i would like to know what is the best practice for getting KPIs about assets with Collibra’s APIs ? The goal is to count assets with filtering or selection on community, domain, validation result, responsability, creation or modification date, … The only method i see in REST API is ‘HTTP GET’


Hi team, Thanks for the reply. Ok we wont remove the null value from the source code. But as shown in the screenshot above as of now I have only one filesystem which i want to blacklist.thats why given only its qualified n

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Azure Purview SpringBoot Integration

I have set all the application properties and the api endpoints upon executing its giving results in my local browser and in postman. In the springboot application when I am running the application there is no error showing to me and the data sync is also not happening can you please help me… with t


I found out the Output Module is now an endpoint into the Core APIs, can’t find the PDF as reference though. Would anybody mind to share it? Thanks in advance.

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API for getting KPIs about assets - counting assets with criterias - reporting

Hello, i would like to know what is the best practice for getting KPIs about assets with Collibra’s APIs ? The goal is to count assets with filtering or selection on community, domain, validation result, responsability, creation or modification date, … The only method i see in REST API is ‘HTTP GET’


Well… there is… but the documentation and processes are so arcane that is practically unfeasible.

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modify summary asset page

Hi Do you know if we can change the summary on an asset page view ? For example add or remove some informations displayed Thanks BR Daphné


We use custom metrics, but not all the information we needed is available through the APIs. So we’re restoring a postgres dump to get access to the whole repo directly, and it works pretty well so far. For the metrics you mention: 1, 2, 4, and 5 =>

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Development Adoption KPIs

Hello everyone, I’m starting to develop KPIs to measure Collibra adoption among our users. Are any of you using logs or output module to produce metrics? Here is a list of some KPIs we would like to produce: Total number of users registered per day Number of tasks per user Average amount if tim


Hi, It works well with a loop before the find table BR Daphné

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limit in find asset

Hi, I would like to populate a new attribut in bulk that record the status of tables before they become “missing from source” My script works well but only on the 1000 fist tables. And when I launch again the workflow it does not go to the next 1000 tables I don’t know how to change this This is a o


Usually, I don’t worry too much, but I make sure to provide a good description so that they may reorient me if need be. In your case, I would select “Data Governance Best Practices”

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Coaching Topic: Associating Custom Attributes

Hello everyone! I have a question about the topic I’d select for coaching in order to ask questions about custom attributes and associating them with the correct domains. I’m unsure of which coaching topic to choose to schedule an appointment, as none of them really directly call out the issue I hav


Indeed, no such thing. A custom global workflow seems to be a pretty good way to manage creation of new tags.

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Create Tags Independently

Hi, We have created a custom workflow to restrict creation of new tags , instead the users can select existing tags from a list. We are wondering if there is any way in Collibra DIC where we can create tags independent of any data asset. We have looked into Stewardship and could not find an Add butt


I am trying to use event.workflowDefinition but it always returns null.

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Find out if the workflow event is started from the Collibra or from a workflow

Hi I have a workflow which is started when an asset attribute is changed. I have another workflow, that changes asset attribute. So my first workflow can start either when a user changes an attribute or when the second workflow changes an attribute. Is there any way to find out how the workflow was
