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Hi Hasan, the lineage harvaster is a java client which should not be interfering with the edge; it’s not a server. We are running it concurrent with a jobserver instance. Make sure you allocate enough memory though. Tom

Collibra Edge Site and Lineage Harvest (Power BI) sitting on same VM/server?

Hello Collibra Folks, We’re looking to spin up an Edge Site on an Azure linux VM and would like to know whether we could also put our Power BI Lineage Harvester on the same VM. Can this be done and what considerations (scheduling, both use HTTPS over 443, etc.) should we take to ensure this function


yes…it gets hierarchy between table and columns


1 year ago

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Databricks JDBC Connector

Hi, Has anyone used the JDBC connector for Databricks(hosted in Azure)? If yes, please let me know at what granular level can the connector work to ingest the metadata? Can it also get the hierarchies? Regards, Ravi


It goes to the Column level

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Databricks JDBC Connector

Hi, Has anyone used the JDBC connector for Databricks(hosted in Azure)? If yes, please let me know at what granular level can the connector work to ingest the metadata? Can it also get the hierarchies? Regards, Ravi


Hi , Edge server has other benefits too compare to Job server. The data will not be moved out of the company servers, where as job servers sends the data (but now it has changed, I think). Other one, Job server need to be updated by our self , but wh

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Edge and job server

What would be the major advantage of using Edge over Job Server? Can any one explain with an example. Also, in upcoming version of Collibra, it is possible to migrate schemas registered through job server to edge. How does that process work, and steps? Kindly post your inputs/thoughts on the same.


Hello, we are using Semarchy, here.

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Questions How to add those references for apis all in one go? arthur.burkhardt: Here is my file if you’re interested. Just replace in ~/eclipse-workspace/myDiagramsProject/.groovy/suggestions.xdsl taher.limdiwala.ball.c

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The best autocomplete trick for eclipse! Get hints to java apis directly.

I know some people out there are still struggling to code workflows without any type of auto complete assistance. Here, I’m sharing with you the next step in autocomplete awesomeness! I assume you have already installed Eclipse, the groovy developer tools, flowable, and loaded the latest dgc jar. Th


I have been able to resolve this.


1 year ago

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GCP Data Catalog Integration Error

Hello, I am using the latest version of the GCP Data Catalog bi-directional community connector. I have added the required Custom Assets, Relations and Attributes as per the documentation to allow Tag Templates and Tags to be handled appropriately. I have also updated the object_id’s in “CustomConst


Hi Thank you, I am trying to ingest metadata (schemas, tables, columns from SQL Server using SpringBoot).Schemas and tables were ingested.But i cant able to ingest colums. The code throwed “errorMessage”: “RuntimeException: {“type”:“MESSAGE”,“messag

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Azure Purview to Collibra Integration - cma file import error

Hi Team, The .cma file provided as part of this integration ( an error during import. Can you please help me to solve this issue? Thanks


Edge supports multiple connections however for JDBC you need to configure diff environments if you have only one JDBC connection. In edge metadata ingestion is at Database level however in JDBC it is at Schema level. Also Edge has not limit on size

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Edge and job server

What would be the major advantage of using Edge over Job Server? Can any one explain with an example. Also, in upcoming version of Collibra, it is possible to migrate schemas registered through job server to edge. How does that process work, and steps? Kindly post your inputs/thoughts on the same.


Hi Guido, We want to try out the data refresh capability from excel and that why we chose the second option for Collibra provided driver. With first option we tried and it works fine. As you suggested we tried with sharepoint option too but again un

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Excel Integration using job server

I am trying to ingest metadata from Excel using Collibra’s connector with Excel using jobserver but getting error. Please see the below screenshot and suggest


I have the jar f9ile in the referenced libraries but it not getting added in maven. Is there an artifact id & group id for the jar dependency in pom.xml?

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output module (view-generator-5.7.7-FINAL.jar) pom properties or pom.xml

does any one know the artifactId, groupId and version for view-generator-5.7.7-FINAL.jar? I’m looking for the pom properties. This jar doesn’t seem to have a file or pom.xml. view-generator-5.7.7-FINAL.jar can be downloaded thru


I am curious, is the only way to stand the environment back up after this sort of crash to have support, do it?

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System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


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System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


Hello Knut, you can use get/databases API call to get the databaseID. Regards, Hajar.

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Collibra Catalog Database Registration API: Relationship between Database and Schema Connection

The API call to synchronize metadata (/rest/catalogDatabase/v1/databases/:databaseId/synchronizeMetadata) asks for the DatabaseID and for SchemaConnectionIds. How to I find what SchemaConnectionIDs belong to which DatabaseID? I can’t seem to find that relation in the API documantation. What have I


I have Just realized this is happening only when you run switch test-connection, actual harvesting of some source is working.

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lineage-harvester 404 https

Hello experts. I have just started receiving this from all lineage servers. Tried to disable the whole firewall, not helped. Any idea ? 2023-02-02T11:01:14+01 INFO Techlin url was not defined in harvester conf. Using following servers for connection test: (IP:


It’s crazy, we have the same issue here. Here’s another way you can crash your entire instance (including your console) : load a big chunck of data in a script by doing something of the like : execution.setVariable(“variable1”,<big_chunk_of_data&

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System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


Thanks a lot for the insightful solutions @arthur.burkhardt and Like @maximilien.cote.1 said, they’re an awesome addition to our toolkit !

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No Workflow Exception pop up after using a Timer Catch Event

Hello all, I’m currently working on a Workflow in Eclipse to prevent users to be assigned to a specific role if they are not in a specific group. The workflow is triggered on role added. In order to catch the added user’s information, I use a Timer Catch Event so that the platform has time to grant
