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Hello Knut, you can use get/databases API call to get the databaseID. Regards, Hajar.

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Collibra Catalog Database Registration API: Relationship between Database and Schema Connection

The API call to synchronize metadata (/rest/catalogDatabase/v1/databases/:databaseId/synchronizeMetadata) asks for the DatabaseID and for SchemaConnectionIds. How to I find what SchemaConnectionIDs belong to which DatabaseID? I can’t seem to find that relation in the API documantation. What have I


I have Just realized this is happening only when you run switch test-connection, actual harvesting of some source is working.

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lineage-harvester 404 https

Hello experts. I have just started receiving this from all lineage servers. Tried to disable the whole firewall, not helped. Any idea ? 2023-02-02T11:01:14+01 INFO Techlin url was not defined in harvester conf. Using following servers for connection test: (IP:


It’s crazy, we have the same issue here. Here’s another way you can crash your entire instance (including your console) : load a big chunck of data in a script by doing something of the like : execution.setVariable(“variable1”,<big_chunk_of_data&

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System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


Thanks a lot for the insightful solutions @arthur.burkhardt and Like @maximilien.cote.1 said, they’re an awesome addition to our toolkit !

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No Workflow Exception pop up after using a Timer Catch Event

Hello all, I’m currently working on a Workflow in Eclipse to prevent users to be assigned to a specific role if they are not in a specific group. The workflow is triggered on role added. In order to catch the added user’s information, I use a Timer Catch Event so that the platform has time to grant


Thanks @arthur.burkhardt, it’s clear for me now and obviously quite useful for us. I’ve been able to figure out what 2 of the listeners do, I’ll have to dig on the other ones

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No Workflow Exception pop up after using a Timer Catch Event

Hello all, I’m currently working on a Workflow in Eclipse to prevent users to be assigned to a specific role if they are not in a specific group. The workflow is triggered on role added. In order to catch the added user’s information, I use a Timer Catch Event so that the platform has time to grant


So… It is kinda related to the outputmodule, but the bug was in the code. The outputmodule returns numeric values as string. Guess what happens when you try to multiply a string by 86400000L? I finally figured it out when executing the same logic on

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System instability - high CPU load - Output module

We faced a pretty serious issue in our development environment: executing an output module query has triggered a very high CPU load, eventually crashing all of the DIC platform (console included), which means we cannot even restart the environment. Of course, we’re following up with support, but cur


You can always use the output module for that: { "ViewConfig": { "displayLength": 50, "Resources": { "Term": { "Id": { "name": "Id" }, "LastModified": { "name": "LastModifiedOn" },

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Find asset steward of the assets which hasn't been updated for last 6 months

Hi, I would like to find the asset steward for the assets that haven’t been updated for the last 6 months. Has anyone found out the way to perform this operation via script task?


Or I can also let ChatGPT explain it:

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No Workflow Exception pop up after using a Timer Catch Event

Hello all, I’m currently working on a Workflow in Eclipse to prevent users to be assigned to a specific role if they are not in a specific group. The workflow is triggered on role added. In order to catch the added user’s information, I use a Timer Catch Event so that the platform has time to grant


Hi, Thanks for all your help! Everything is working fine now. Only 1 thing I observed, whenever the select statement is from a different schema than what is mentioned in the config, then lineage is showing up but no stitc

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Custom Technical lineage

Hi All, We have a use case where we need to extract lineage from Oracle. This works great for views and mviews. Some tables, however, are generated by external run SQL code. What is the best way to integrate this via the Tech-Lin harvester? We already tried two separate solutions i.e. Tech lineage


Hi Dan @daan.caminada1 , Please tell us the final URI path you used? Thanks, Shubhangi

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Ingesting metadata from Excel File

Hi all, I am trying to get metadata in from an excel file to a physical data dictionary in Collibra. However, I cannot get it to work, see the screenshots below for my settings. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your help!


Hi ! Thank you for your very elegant solution, I had not thought of doing a reverse on the created date to retrieve the correct field once updated in the platform. I had never seen the use of listeners in Collibra : what d

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No Workflow Exception pop up after using a Timer Catch Event

Hello all, I’m currently working on a Workflow in Eclipse to prevent users to be assigned to a specific role if they are not in a specific group. The workflow is triggered on role added. In order to catch the added user’s information, I use a Timer Catch Event so that the platform has time to grant


hi @antonio.castelo/, Can you please advise if you have step by step details of the integration? I find the document is bit hard to follow and it doesnt mention prerequisites for running the integration regards Anie


1 year ago

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Unity Catalog to Collibra integration – metadata and lineage tracking

Hi team, I would like to get metadata and lineage from Unity Catalog into Collibra and was just curious if anyone here has made this integration to work ( I have the documentation and the package template from Collibra). Would like to understand more as I’m having difficulties of understanding the d


Hi team Thanks for the clarification. In my case i just want to restrict one filesystem which i have given in the above screenshot. However the blacklisted filesystem is still getting imported

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Azure Purview SpringBoot Integration

I have set all the application properties and the api endpoints upon executing its giving results in my local browser and in postman. In the springboot application when I am running the application there is no error showing to me and the data sync is also not happening can you please help me… with t


I found the answer to this problem is to use a setting in the lineage harvester config file called “useSharedDbModel”. When set to “true”, this will cause the lineage harvester to merge the DDL statements from all the sources defined in the config f

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Lineage Harvester - How does lineage harvester use dblinks?

I am using lineage harvester for a SQL Server database. The harvester extracts metadata from my database using queries. By default, there are SQL Server queries for columns, queries, synonyms, views, and dblinks. The queries are the code for stored procedures that perform extract, transform, and


Yes, the activity API has a history of every single run of the workflows, related resources and which user initiated it.

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Workflow Attribute Creation

Hello, I would like to track when workflows have been run in a spreadsheet. Is there a way to create an attribute automatically that could log when the workflow has been run? If not is there a characteristic that tracks this? -Will
