4 Messages
1.2K Points
How can the duplicate Business term with space bar be handled?
While creating a new business term or new acroynms, same term in same domain is allowed to be created with a space after the term. E.g. Store and Store with space after can be created in the single domain which leads to data quality issues. How can this be handled?
164 Messages
11.7K Points
7 months ago
Same problem with – and - ... the former of which is not on a normal keyboard. Tricky to search for something which you can't type!
I guess (a) solution is to build a WF to trim in Name & Full Name or update – to - ... but that's really a cannon to kill a fly and not worth the investment
a [better] more soup-n-nuts solution is just to build a Global View that finds these ... and then fix them manually. Not a big job and such a task could be incorporated into L3 way-of-working, ie a coffee job once a month. Remember when you fix, to fix both Name & Full Name.
5 Messages
910 Points
7 months ago
I think you should following this solutions
Enforce validation rules to trim spaces before saving terms to the database.
You can Implement normalization in your data handling processes to automatically remove trailing spaces from terms during creation and retrieval.
Also You can Add logic to check for duplicates considering trimmed values before allowing new terms to be created.