18 Messages
255 Points
Let's see your Data Governance Centers!
Hello everyone!
I am in the process of doing an overhaul of our Data Governance Center, and would love some ideas on design options. Visuals, key widgets you all find helpful, thoughts on layout, etc. Our DGC is currently quite rudimentary since we’ve spent the last year standing up the technical connections and harvesters to the different sources in our data ecosystem. I am thinking of going with a hub model; I’ll have a general DGC hub, a resource and education hub, and an Epic Upgrade Impact hub (I work for a medical system).
Any and all suggestions, thoughts, screenshots of DGCs welcome. Thank you!
5 Messages
3 years ago
I think this is a terrific idea @gmatsuda.uw.edu . We are only in POC phase now, but I too have been looking for different ways people have been adding value to the enterprise through their Data Governance Center. Hopefully you will get some sample screens from successful DG teams across the globe.
27 Messages
50 Points
3 years ago
Hi @gmatsuda.uw.edu Gian - Looks like you are at the University of Washington. We are at Washington Univ in St Louis. Feel free to reach out. We have done quite a bit of work to ours. My contact info is [email protected]
4 Messages
50 Points
3 years ago
Hi @gmatsuda.uw.edu - below is an example of a Collibra dashboard that was developed for a customer.
There are many possibilities in terms of dashboard customization to improve the adoption of the tool by data citizens.
You can discuss the possibilities with your Customer Success Manager.
4 Messages
50 Points
3 years ago
There are 4 ways to make user friendly dashboards in Collibra:
The example you see above is a dashboard that has been developed in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and hosted in the Collibra Console backup.
If you are interested in seeing the best practices around dashboards, you can contact your CSM or book a session with a Collibra coach
@alvin.useree We have created a dashboard best practices section on Product Ressources and we plan to create more guides, templates to share with our Data Citizen community.
@arthur.burkhardt You can have this result with inline HTML or via an iframe.
@hunter.collins Could you contact your CSM to see what kind of dashboard you could be interested in?
Link to Dashboard Best Practices